Monday, September 30, 2024

The Vibrational Astrology Diary
by Linda Berry

Today, Monday (9/30/2024), the strongest vibrational influence comes from the Sun and Mercury joining with Mars (2*). This vibrational energy pattern brings a need for you to connect down inside of yourself with the true essence of who you are. There is a sense of needing to dig down through all the barriers within you to find this deep sense of your personal unique essence and gifts. You may well be drawn to work with someone who can teach you and support you in this process or you may go out and get a book that you can study and learn from. (For VA Students: 13, 26, 30)

The essential principle to guide expression of this vibrational energy is objectivity. You need to step back and not be operating from a place of emotional attachment. This needs to be combined with making connections to others and to operate from a place of mutual responsibility and initiative.

The AstroFrequency(s) for the day (strongest listed first)
26 (5*) Moves Beyond Average or Mediocre in interactions with others
23 (4*) A need to respond in situations where you must act before you know what is going to happen. This involves analysis followed by taking the risk of following your Personal Intuition.
13 (4*) Internally focused on connecting into and expressing your true self, moving beyond Average or Mediocre

The Sabian Symbols of our Featured Planets:, Sun, Mercury, Mars >>>

The uplifting message from the featured planet positions that shows the way through: You are recognizing that the universal Spirit of life and love is burning within you, warming your essence deep below your conscious awareness even when you don’t feel it. You are working carefully and systematically in a group to test out new experiences and interactions one step at a time.  You are recognizing that there are three different states of consciousness within you, the conscious level, all the processes below consciousness, and the level of greater spiritual awareness, and that all three levels are equally important.

The more dysfunctional expression of this message: You are feeling closed out, lonely, and abandoned which blocks you off from awareness of the light and love of the divine deep within you. You are being carried away by the new experiences available to you in the group you’re in, taking on too much too quickly and being unable to process what you have experienced, potentially getting sick and rejecting everything.  You are limiting yourself to the conscious awareness of your mind and ego and denying that there is anything else operating within you.

8 Libra = Mercury interacting with Mars [A blazing fireplace in a deserted home] You are recognizing that the universal Spirit of life and love is burning within you, warming your essence deep below your conscious awareness even when you don’t feel it and/or you are feeling closed out, lonely, and abandoned which blocks you off from awareness of the light and love of the divine deep within you

15 Cancer = Mars interacting with Mercury [A group of people who have overeaten and enjoyed it] You are working carefully and systematically in a group to test out new experiences and interactions one step at a time and/or you are being carried away by the new experiences available to you in the group you’re in, taking on too much too quickly and being unable to process what you have experienced, potentially getting sick and rejecting everything

9 Libra = Sun merging with Mercury [Three old masters hanging in an art gallery] You are recognizing that there are three different states of consciousness within you, the conscious level, all the processes below consciousness, and the level of greater spiritual awareness, and that all three levels are equally important and/or you are limiting yourself to the conscious awareness of your mind and ego and denying that there is anything else operating within you

The Two Planet Diary
{When 2 planets interact it influences the way we want to express ourselves, our attitudes, moods, and impulses. Becoming aware of these vibrations helps us to guide these aspects of ourselves with awareness rather than being controlled by them.

There are longer patterns which tend to have more impact because we feel them for several days in a row and there are quick Moon patterns that impact our moods and feelings for a window of a couple of hours either side of the exact time of the aspect. The longer patterns are stronger and so are listed here, followed by a section on the Moods of the Moon}

Sep 29 – Oct 1 (exact Sep 30) the Sun in Libra is joining with Mercury in Libra. This energy is increasing in influence until it peaks at 5:09 PM on Sept. 30 then decreasing fading out around 11:59 PM on Oct. 1. This vibrational energy pattern focuses on process of connecting ideas together and communicating the result. This is a good time to work on figuring out your problems.

Sep 28 – Oct  1 (exact Sep 30) Mars in Cancer is flowing freely (trine) with Saturn in Pisces. This energy is increasing in influence until it peaks at 12:06 AM on Sept. 30 then decreasing fading out around 5 PM on Oct. 1. This vibrational energy pattern brings a strong sense of the importance of doing the things that are essential to accomplishing your goals even when they are dull, boring or dirty jobs. This is a good time to work on the necessary tasks that you usually avoid. They will be a little easier to do right now.

The Moods of the Moon
{The Moon patterns only last a short period of time. They impact our moods and feelings for around 4 hours, 2 hours each side of the exact position.}

Starting at 8:49 PM yesterday, peaking at 10:49 PM yesterday, the Moon in Virgo is sharing freely (sextile) with Venus in Scorpio. In this 4 hr period you especially want to experience loving interactions with those that you are closest to, especially those with whom you feel a soul connection.

Starting at 8:38 AM, peaking at 10:38 AM, the Moon in Virgo is opposing Saturn in Pisces. In this 4 hr period you are dealing with that which is especially significant or fundamental in your relationships with others. This is especially about evaluating whether your interactions are working to build your life in a way that supports and leads to your long-term goals. You can see clearly now what you need to change to accomplish your goals.

Starting at 9:11 AM, peaking at 11:11 AM, the Moon in Virgo is sharing freely (sextile) with Mars in Cancer. In this 4 hr period you want to express your emotions in an active harmonious way sharing with others.  This is a great time for group activities or meetings or for social sharing or for team sports.

Starting at 10:30 PM, peaking at 12:30 AM early October 1, the Moon in Virgo is acting and agitating (square) with Jupiter in Gemini. In this 4 hr period your emotions will tend to expand.  If you are feeling good, this can be great.  If you are not feeling good, then this can be difficult.  See if you can direct your feelings and thoughts to things that are pleasant and positive and you will be rewarded with some really good feelings.

The Cyclic Patterns Diary {These are patterns that continue over an extended period of time and you may find that rereading this periodically will help you effectively handle what we are all experiencing as our “astral weather” in this time period.}

On September 24, the Third Quarter Moon occurred with the Moon in Cancer and the Sun in Libra. This pattern will be influencing us until the next New Moon Solar Eclipse on October 2, 2024. This vibrational energy pattern is prone to being caught up in dreams and needs to take care to keep dreams separate from reality. There is an intense need here for freedom to express yourself genuinely in the moment. This may well reveal what is really inside of you whether noble or base. This pattern carries a strong awareness of community and the desire to choose the community you are comfortable in. The Sabian Symbol for the Sun is “The dawn of a new day, everything changed” where you are embracing a reorientation as you recognize a new center of awareness within you. There is a potential for problems if you react with fear and anger to changes in your situation refusing to adjust to the changes. The Moon Symbol is “A man all bundled up in fur leading a shaggy deer” which Is related to preparing for hardship as you set out to directly experience the world around you. As you come to understand yourself better you will have the potential to find a place that accepts you as you are.

On September 22,  the Fall Equinox occurred as the Sun entered Libra. This pattern will be influencing us until the Winter Solstice on December 21, 2024. This vibrational energy pattern brings a strong need to live life in a harmonious flow. This is a visceral need which you will seek to meet in the way you deal with the people around you. If you feel you are trapped in a situation that is not flowing for you there is the potential for violence. You are likely to be especially sensitive, impulsive and driven during this time period. The Sabian Symbol for the Sun Moon interaction is “A Muse weighing Twins”. This relates to weighing and evaluating the rational and irrational levels within you and realizing that they are reflections of each other. This is an opportunity to begin to understand that you need to learn to establish a balance between them based on a higher more expansive level of awareness within you that transcends both of them.

On September 17, 2024, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurred with the Moon in Pisces and the Sun in Virgo. This pattern will be influencing us until the next Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on March 14, 2025. This vibrational energy pattern brings a focus on dreams and ideals that last past death. This is about tuning into the long term patterns of unfolding evolving awareness that transcend the resistance of the moment. There is a major focus in this eclipse on evaluation of your motives and drives to be sure you are getting the result you want. There is also a balancing of your individual view of life against what works for everyone else. The Sabian Symbol for the Sun is “A Boy with a Censer” which involves learning how to expand your awareness and accept responsibility for both yourself and your interactions with others by modeling yourself after those who are more spiritually experienced and developed. The Moon Symbol is “A New Moon that divides its Influences” which involves learning how to operate effectively in both the spiritual and the earthly realms based on a new vision and finding your unique way to respond to that vision. If you do not realize that everyone is connected you may start feeling alone and isolated.

On September 2, the New Moon occurred with the Moon and Sun in Virgo. This pattern will be influencing us until the next New Moon Solar Eclipse on October 2, 2024. This vibrational energy pattern is permeated with a shared sense of restlessness and dissatisfaction. We are all reaching out seeking beautiful connections to others and more civility in our interactions. There is a sense of a soulful beauty that we could find a way to share together. The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon is “A Bride with her Veil snatched away” which is about our concealment being ripped away and us each being forced to reveal ourselves and become vulnerable to transformative change. This is about us each making a commitment to open up and relate to those that are around us in a deeper, more meaningful way.

The Retrograde Diary: NO DEGREE CHANGES TODAY >> Turning Back of Jupiter: Reworking of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune: Turning Forward of Pluto {During the apparent retrograde period each planet’s movement relative to the backdrop of the stars slows down, reverses and then turns back around forward again concentrating its vibration in a particular area. There are issues that each planet focuses on during the period leading up to its turn backwards. These issues are addressed again to be reworked on during the retrograde period [in brackets] then a new understanding of these issues occurs during the post retrograde period. These issues are not from Vibrational Astrology, this is an experiment based on interpretations of the Sabian Symbols that I wrote many years ago. If an entry resonates with you, then claim it, if not, release it, it was for someone else. I would very much like your feedback on this. Points of especially concentrated energy are marked with “!!!”}

Mercury clear of any shadow (Sep 12, 2024– Nov 8, 2024)
Venus clear of any shadow (Oct 9, 2023– Jan 24, 2025)
Mars clear of any shadow (Mar 17, 2022– Oct 4, 2024)

Jupiter {Jul 15, 2024 !Aug 11! [Oct 9 – !Dec 7! – Feb 4, 2025] !Apr 2! Apr 30} 11, 16, 21 Gemini → Sept. 24 – Oct. 23:  (21-22 Gem) Turning Back:  The Issue is experiencing all the different patterns and types of awareness in life, beginning to mix & match them in interactions that compare & contrast them all in a cooperative experimental way, learning to cease pulling back from life, sitting on the edges, and watching the interactions around you; unable to connect into the flowing energy exchange around you [A barn dance]

Saturn R {Mar 24, 2024 !Apr 24! [Jun 29 – !Sep 8! – Nov 15] !Jan 18, 2025! Feb 18} 12, 16, 19 Pisces → Sept. 21 – Oct. 6:  (15-14 Pis) Reworking:  Working on evaluating possible future situations that you will face, figuring out the skills that need to be developed to protect those for whom you’re responsible, recognizing the strength, authority and responsibility within you while being relaxed at the same time, recognizing that yours is an essential role in the unfolding of universal awareness, learning to cease constantly worrying about possible future problems, being fearful and overreacting and losing touch with the joy of life [An officer preparing to drill his men]

Uranus R {May 16, 2024 !Jun 20! [Sep 1 – !Nov 16! – Jan 30, 2025] !Apr 15rt 0! May 17, 2025} 23, 25, 27 Taurus → Sept. 26 – Oct. 29:  (27-26 Tau) Reworking:  Working on paying the price required to open up to the deeper level within yourself by forging a path through your blocks and issues enabling you to make a superficial connection with the beautiful spirit light within your core, learning to cease refusing to connect into the deeper level within you, devaluing or overvaluing yourself based on external conditions [A squaw selling beads]

Neptune R {Mar.11, 2024 !Apr 18! [July 2 – !Sep 20! – Dec. 7] !Feb 18, 2025! Mar. 28} 27, 28, 29 Pisces → Sept. 2 – Oct. 9, 2024:  (29-28 Pis) Reworking:  Working on recognizing the splitting of the divine into many facets or rays of which you’re one, celebrating the beauty of the whole and the beauty of each part of the whole, learning to cease locking yourself into seeing everything from a particular perspective and missing the broad overview, tending to over-analyze everything and losing track of the essence in a study of the pieces [A prism]

Pluto R {Jan 10, 2024 !Feb 17! [May 2 – !Jul 23! – Oct 11] !Dec 25! Feb 2, 2025} 29 Capricorn, 0 Aquarius, 2 Aquarius → Sept. 1 – Nov. 19:  (30-29 Cap) Turning Forward:  The Challenge is reaching a level of expertise where you operate from true authority and are participating in and managing the world’s hidden realities, learning to cease failing to claim your true authority as you block yourself off from awareness of the deeper realities around you and within you [A secret business conference]

Next Cycle Diary:
Mercury {Nov 9, 2024 !Nov 14![Nov 26 – !Dec 5! – Dec 15] !Dec 27! Jan 3, 2025} 8, 14, 22 Sagittarius
Mars {Oct 5, 2024 !Oct 27! [Dec 6 – !Jan 15, 2025! – Feb 24] !Apr 11! May 2, 2025} 17, 27 Cancer, 6 Leo
Pluto {Jan 10, 2025 !Feb 18! [May 4 – !Jul 25! – Oct 14] !Dec 27! Feb 4, 2026} 1, 2, 3 Aquarius
Venus {Jan 28, 2025 !Feb 8! [Mar 2 – !Mar 22! – Apr 13] !May 5! May 16} 24 Pisces, 2, 10 Aries}
Neptune {Mar. 13, 2025 !Apr 20! [July 3 – !Sep 23! – Dec. 10] !Feb 20, 2026! Mar. 30} 27, 28, 29 Pisces
Saturn {Apr 6, 2025 !May 7! [Jul 13 – !Sep 21! – Nov 28] !Jan 30, 2026! Mar 2} 25, 28 Pisces, 1 Aries
Uranus {May 20, 2025 !Jun 25! [Sep 6 – !Nov 21! – Feb 4, 2026] !Apr 15! May 21, 2026} 25, 27 Taurus, 1 Gemini
Jupiter {Aug 17, 2025 !Sep 13! [Nov 11 – !Jan 10, 2026! – Mar 11] !May 8! Jun 6} 15, 20, 25 Cancer

All times are given in Eastern USA time zone.
Linda Berry
*Planetary Pattern Pictures and Sabian Symbol Interpretations, ©Linda Berry,, 1* = 50-100 points, 2* = 100-150 points, etc.

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