The Vibrational Astrology Diary is showing you the dance of the planets and the vibrations that their dance create as they resonate together. You feel these vibrations subconsciously and translate them inside you into emotional and behavioral experiences. It is as if you are a violin with many strings and you resonate in tune with the dance of the heavens. You can pluck your strings through your choices as to where you will focus your attention and your energy and what you do in your life. The dance of the planets energizes different strings at different times and knowing that can help you move through the dance with more awareness, grace and effectiveness. How strongly you respond depends on how similar your internal resonances are to the current vibrations in the heavenly dance.
The Vibrational Astrology Diary gives you some information on the major notes and movements in the daily dance of the planets. Our interpretations of these patterns are based on evidence-based research about how these patterns affect people. Remember, how strongly you respond will partially be impacted by what conscious patterns and stress you carry and what unresolved deeper issues you are working on.
The Primary Vibrational Pattern of the Day.
The Introductory paragraph gives information on which planet combination is generating the strongest vibration that day. This paragraph describes how that pattern may be experienced and gives some ideas on how to deal with it if appropriate
The AstroFrequency(s) for the day (strongest listed first)
This section lists one or more harmonic vibrations that are the strongest for that day. They are in sequential order with the strongest listed first. The vibrations from 1 – 32 are considered. This includes aspects most astrologers do not normally consider in a chart. In VA (Vibrational Astrology) we have found that the interaction of each planet with each of the planets is important. To make this a little clearer, Vibration 1 is the natal chart, Vibration 2 is related to oppositions. Vibration 3 is related to trines. Vibration 4 is related to squares.
The Sabian Symbols of the Featured Planets
Each Sabian Symbol is connected with one degree of the zodiac. The Active Sabian Symbols are the ones that the Featured Planets are occupying on this day. The Sabian Symbol interpretations that are active are combined into two sections. The uplifting message shows the most effective expression of the active symbols. The more dysfunctional expression gives the reader information on pitfalls to be aware of on this particular day. Following these summaries, each Sabian Symbol that is active is listed with the planet(s) that occupy that degree.
The Dancing Two-Planet Diary
This section gives information on two planet patterns that do not include the Moon. The aspects included are conjunction, opposition, square, trine and sextile. The interpretations are influenced by my understanding of Vibrational Astrology
The Moods of the Moon
These are the interactions of the Moon with the Sun and Planets. The aspects included are conjunction, opposition, square, trine and sextile. The interpretations are influenced by my understanding of Vibrational Astrology. These vibrations are related to your feelings and how you are likely to react in a situation and what you are likely to experience. Those who are more volatile are more likely to express these feelings in a non-constructive way.
Both of these sections will report on when a planet (including Sun and Moon) moves into a new sign of the zodiac.
The Cyclic Patterns Diary This section of the Diary reports more long term patterns that are influencing us for a significant period of time, from 1 week to several months. it is a good idea to read the Cyclic Patterns periodically to see how you may be experiencing them in your life
The Retrograde Diary: The Retrograde Diary gives you information on the planets as they slow down before their apparent retrograde period, during the retrograde period and as they speed back up after the retrograde period. Since the planets are moving slower they stay in particular degrees for a longer period of time. This puts an emphasis on those degrees. The Sabian Symbols are information on how each degree may operate and some of the awareness, and challenges that that degree presents to you as it is emphasized. My study of the Sabian Symbols showed that they can be seen as a series of steps in personal and spiritual growth. The interpretations here come out of that study and were developed by the author from the original symbols given to Mark Edmond Jones by Elsie Wheeler in the 1920s without reference to any other interpretations of these symbols. The day that any of the planets in this section changes degree is shown by placing exclamation points “!!!” next to the name of the planet.