

Linda Berry is seeking to discover the truth of what we are and how this world operates in relation to the universal spiritual beingness that is All That Is. In this process one of her main tools since 1976 has been Astrology. She started out in humanistic astrology studying Dane Rudhyar and Marc Edmund Jones. She worked with different concepts in Astrology and to seek ways to make it more effective and accurate. A study of the Sabian Symbols led her to apply her understanding of spiritual principles to the development of her own interpretations of these symbols which are used in the Vibrational Astrology Diary.

In about 2006 she began researching the meanings of the smaller planet bodies out beyond Neptune and those called Centaurs between Jupiter and Neptune. Some of this research is published at her website Since the beginning to the 1980s, she has been interested in and intrigued by Harmonics applied to the Natal Chart. In 2012 she had the opportunity to be in the first apprentice program with David Cochrane. He was teaching Vibrational Astrology (VA), the evidence based system of astrology that he had developed over the previous 40 years. She graduated first in the class from that program in January 2015, receiving a Professional Astrological Certification (PAC) from Avalon School of Astrology.

She continues to do research using the more accurate techniques available in Vibrational Astrology, seeking to expand our understanding of ourselves and the universe. Thus, she has found the Astrology Chart, interpreted using VA, to be the Manual for our lives that we have always wanted. In January 2017 she worked for 3 months to develop the computer program that would identify the Astro Frequency and the daily vibrations for each day. This information enables her to begin publishing her blog, The Vibrational Astrology Diary. She hopes the Diary is helpful to you and she would be glad to read your Astrological Life Manual (your chart) to you if you are interested. Expanding beyond Vibrational Astrology, she has now developed individualized reports on significant Astrological events that use the Sabian Symbols to provide some spiritual guidance into how these events may be working you your life.

In May 2018 she began teaching the Practicum which provided advanced classes for Vibrational Astrologers developing and reviewing Vibrational Astrology techniques. Since Vibrational Astrology is expanding, developing new techniques for reading an Astrology chart, this enables VA Astrologers to stay in touch with the latest developments. In September 2018 she founded her school for teaching VA. In May 2022, the school was officially named the School of The Astrology of Vibrational Energetics (STAVE). STAVE is focused on providing full training in the use of Vibrational Astrology. Furthermore, Professional Certification in Vibrational Astrology is available for those who are interested and meet the qualifications. The focus of STAVE is on developing your skill in using Vibrational Astrology to unlock deeper levels of understanding of an Astrology Chart. This involves learning to interpret the Natal Chart, Compatibility, Forecasting, and Relocational Astrology.

She has a BA in psychology and philosophy from Baylor University, an MSSW in Social Work and a BA in Math and Computer Science from the University of Louisville and a PAC, and a Professional Astrology Certificate from Avalon School of Astrology. She is an Astrologer, spiritual seeker, student, guide, and teacher. Her spiritual work led her to become a Minister in the Tri-State Holistic Congregation. Her driving impetus is to develop herself as much as she is able to and to help others do the same.