The School of The Astrology of Vibrational Energetics (STAVE)

Vibrational Astrology Course 101, 102 and 103:

Understanding Vibrational (Harmonic) Charts

by Linda Berry, PAC, MSSW

There are still openings in the Introductory Course in Vibrational Astrology starting in June, 2025.

(Classes for New students begin in early January and early June each year.) The Contact Form is at the end of this page.
VA 101 is the first of three 12 week courses in Vibrational Astrology.  This series of three courses will teach you how to read a chart using the evidence-based principles of Vibrational Astrology.  These courses focus on how to apply the principles of Vibrational Astrology to Vibrational (Harmonic) Charts to get a deeper insight into the person within the chart.  This provides an introduction to VA that will expand the tools you have available to analyze a chart.  Some of the topics covered will be the energy understandings of the planets and how they relate to the meanings of the planets in modern astrology; the meanings of the vibrations and how they operate; and training in how to read vibrational charts (both aspect and midpoint patterns) and what you can learn from them.  By the end of these 3 courses, we will have covered and practiced the things you need to understand in order to use Vibrational Astrology to interpret a natal chart.
Vibrational Astrology (VA) was initially developed by  Santino Mancuso (aka David Cochrane) and now several of us are engaged in research and development work to expand our understanding of effective techniques for penetrating deep into the structure of a chart while increasing the accuracy of our readings. It provides an in-depth analysis of the astrological chart that shows how the chart is The Manual for our Lives that we have always wanted.
All courses meet for 12 weeks, two hours one time a week in a zoom meeting room.  There will be a recording of each class available to the participants and learning this material will involve you spending time between classes studying charts and doing homework related to what you are studying.
The prerequisite for the Vibrational Astrology Program is to know the basics of the Astrological Language such as the symbols for the planets, signs and aspects. Both new students of astrology and professional astrologers have advantages and disadvantages. New Students of Astrology need some extra work to get started, but they do not have ingrained definitions that might conflict with learning the language of Vibrational Astrology. Professional astrologers need to be willing to set aside the paradigms they are used to in order to learn a new way of thinking about astrology that, once understood, will enrich their understanding of everything they have been working with over the years. There is a Certification of Professional Competence in Vibrational Astrology available for those who complete all the requirements for Certification.  The school is part of the Avalon network which provided Certified Astrologers with the a simple path to a PAC.
Tuition: $300 for a 12 week course.  There are a couple of partial scholarships. Contact me if you need one. The tuition can be paid through Venmo, Zelle, Wise, or Paypal or by mailing me a check. (There is a 5% surcharge on Paypal due to the fees they charge.)
Also please note that I offer Intermediate and Advanced VA Courses with appropriate experience requirements. You will need to contact me personally about these courses. I also periodically do a course teaching Basic Astrology (the symbols and language of Astrology) upon demand.
If you have questions about these courses or wish to register, please use this form to contact me.