The Vibrational Astrology Diary
by Linda Berry
Yesterday and today, Monday (3/24/2025), the strongest vibrational influence comes from the Sun and Mercury joining with Venus (4*). This vibrational energy pattern is about very fundamental types of caring. This is first about caring for yourself and then about caring for others. There is a sense of flowing interaction here that can lead to the inspiration to take new actions as you begin to learn how to actually live in interaction with that which is around you. There is a sense of literary awareness here with the potential to write beautifully and perhaps poetically about that which is important to you. (For VA Students: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
For two days now this vibrational energy pattern is better and more effectively implemented by working on building a safe space where you and others can freely be who you truly are. This is about learning to be in relationships where each person is honored and respected as who they truly are.
The AstroFrequency(s) for the day (strongest listed first)
1 (14*) Doing things your own way, evaluating the ideas of others and only changing if you agree with them
The Sabian Symbols of our Featured Planets: Sun, Mercury, Venus >>
The uplifting message from the featured planet positions that shows the way through: You are connecting into your cultural inheritance letting it shape you, recognizing that this enables you to effectively express yourself within the context of the world around you. You are identifying your destination point and sensing the path you need to take to reach it.
The more dysfunctional expression of this message: You are getting swallowed up by your cultural pattern, becoming a caricature of your racial or cultural stereotypes. You are confused and disoriented not knowing where to go.
3 Aries = Sun merging with Venus [A cameo profile of a man in the shape of his country] You are connecting into your cultural inheritance letting it shape you, recognizing that this enables you to effectively express yourself within the context of the world around you and/or you are getting swallowed up by your cultural pattern, becoming a caricature of your racial or cultural stereotypes
6 Aries = Mercury [A square brightly lighted on one side] You are identifying your destination point and sensing the path you need to take to reach it and/or you are confused and disoriented not knowing where to go
The Two Planet Diary
{When 2 planets interact it influences the way we want to express ourselves, our attitudes, moods, and impulses. Becoming aware of these vibrations helps us to guide these aspects of ourselves with awareness rather than being controlled by them.
There are longer patterns which tend to have more impact because we feel them for several days in a row and there are quick Moon patterns that impact our moods and feelings for a window of a couple of hours either side of the exact time of the aspect. The longer patterns are stronger and so are listed here, followed by a section on the Moods of the Moon}
Mar 24 – Mar 26 (exact Mar 25) Mercury in Aries is sharing freely (sextile) with Pluto in Aquarius. This energy begins to influence us around 3 PM on Mar. 24 and is increasing in influence until it peaks at 6:02 PM on Mar. 25 then decreasing fading out around 9 PM on Mar. 26. This vibrational energy pattern calls into awareness the obsessive ideas we have had strongly influencing us. This is an important opportunities to see why these ideas are obsessing us and whether we want to continue being controlled by them.
Mar 24 – Mar 25 (exact Mar 24) the Sun in Aries is joining with Mercury in Aries. This energy begins to influence us around 3 AM on Mar. 24 and is increasing in influence until it peaks at 3:48 PM on Mar. 24 then decreasing fading out around 5 AM on Mar. 25. This vibrational energy pattern brings new mental insights and understandings. This sets the mental ideational structure for about the next 4 months.
Mar 22 – Mar 24 (exact Mar 23) the Sun in Aries is sharing freely (sextile) with Pluto in Aquarius. This energy is decreasing fading out around 4 PM on Mar. 24. This vibrational energy pattern brings a strong need for harmonious interactions with others.
Mar 22 – Apr 20 (exact Apr 4) Saturn in Pisces is sharing freely (sextile) with Uranus in Taurus. This energy is increasing in influence until it peaks at 12:20 PM on Apr. 4 then decreasing fading out around 5 AM on Apr. 20. This vibrational energy pattern is about learning how to stay true to the unique way you perceive life and at the same time give others space for and respect for having their own unique perception and understanding of what is happening around them.
The Moods of the Moon
{The Moon patterns only last a short period of time. They impact our moods and feelings for around 4 hours, 2 hours each side of the exact position.}
Starting at 9:41 PM yesterday, peaking at 11:41 PM yesterday, the Moon in Capricorn is sharing freely (sextile) with Saturn in Pisces. In this 4 hr period you find it easy to accept responsibility and work comfortably with others getting the things done that really need to be done.
Starting at 11:17 PM yesterday, peaking at 1:17 AM March 24, the Moon in Capricorn is flowing freely (trine) with Uranus in Taurus. In this 4 hr period you have an easy sense of flexibility and ability to respond in the immediate moment in an organic way based on a sense of objective awareness.
Starting at 9:00 AM, peaking at 11:00 AM, the Moon in Capricorn is sharing freely (sextile) with Neptune in Pisces. This 4 hr period could bring a distracted dreamy feeling when you are not really sharply focused. Instead you may find yourself day-dreaming about what you would like your life to be like. This is a good time to dream, but not a good time to act on those dreams. Wait until you are thinking more clearly.
At 11:24 AM the Moon enters Aquarius and becomes focused for the next 2 ½ days on participating in group processes. We are all a part of many groups including our family, our friends, our community, our country and our world. The Moon in Aquarius finds satisfaction in being a part of its groups and contributing to the functioning and well being of those groups.
Starting at 12:14 PM, peaking at 2:14 PM, the Moon in Aquarius is sharing freely (sextile) with Venus in Aries. In this 4 hr period you especially want to experience loving interactions with those that you are closest to, especially those with whom you feel a soul connection.
Starting at 3:34 PM, peaking at 5:34 PM, the Moon in Aquarius is joining with Pluto in Aquarius. This 4 hr period is likely to bring some deep intense emotional feelings with perhaps an awareness of older patterns that are influencing your reactions right now.
Starting at 5:06 PM, peaking at 7:06 PM, the Moon in Aquarius is sharing freely (sextile) with Mercury in Aries. This 4 hr period brings a focus on thinking and communicating those thoughts, so writing down your thoughts, and possibly communicating what you are thinking about in a discussion or just sitting and thinking for a while would be profitable. This has the emotions and the mind interacting well and is a good time to work on important projects.
Starting at 5:35 PM, peaking at 7:35 PM, the Moon in Aquarius is sharing freely (sextile) with the Sun in Aries. In this 4 hr period you will feel a lightening of your mood with your emotions flowing easily in interaction with others. A meeting or a social gathering would be smoother and easier right now.
The Cyclic Patterns Diary {These are patterns that continue over an extended period of time and you may find that rereading this periodically will help you effectively handle what we are all experiencing as our “astral weather” in this time period.}
On March 22, the Third Quarter Moon Phase occurred with the Moon in Capricorn and the Sun in Aries. This Vibrational Pattern will be influencing us until the New Moon Solar Eclipse on March 29, 2025. This vibrational energy pattern is focused for each person on your unique understanding of how society should be organized and how it should operate. There is a strong sense of following your own pattern and not compromising on your sense of how life needs to operate. You may find other people standing up to you and strongly opposing your concepts. The Sabian Symbol for the Sun is “A Cameo Profile of a Man in the shape of his Country”. This is about connecting into your cultural inheritance and letting it shape you. This enables you to effectively express yourself within the context of the world around you. You need to take care to not get swallowed up by your cultural pattern. The Symbol for the Moon is “The Human Soul receptive to Growth and Understanding”. Here there is an awareness of how power struggles damage you and others. This is an opportunity to learn new ways to use power and authority that transcend power struggles.
On March 20, the Spring Equinox occurred with the Sun entering Aries. This Vibrational Pattern will be influencing us until the Summer Solstice on June 20, 2025. This vibrational energy pattern is focused on our dreams and whether we are seeing the potential for them to become a part of our everyday life. Part of this is tapping into ourselves and being clear what kinds of dreams are speaking to us. Then comes being willing to act on those dreams and express them. This means taking risks, putting yourself out there. Remember you cannot succeed without taking the risk of failing. Count each failure as a step toward success. The Sun-Moon angle for the Spring Equinox is the Sabian Symbol “A Woman and two Men on a bit of sunlit land facing south”. This is about learning to be flexible and open. There is the potential here to see clearly how you can make appropriate choices to act either in the realm of Spirit or the realm of Matter as appropriate. You may discover competing needs within you. If you disconnect from that which is around you and isolate yourself you may experience a devastating sense of estrangement.
On March 14, the Full Moon Eclipse occurred with the Moon in Virgo and the Sun in Pisces. This pattern will be influencing us until the next Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on September 7, 2025. This vibrational energy pattern helps us connect into what we really feel deep inside of us. It encourages us to be true to those internal feelings. This can involve letting go of some emotional feelings that do not really serve us. There is a strong focus on working with others helping them to connect into the deep patterns within them that show who they really are. The Sabian Symbol for the Sun is “An Inhabited Island” which is about you truly grounding within yourself in the essence of yourself, recognizing your boundaries and empowering yourself while learning how to balance your needs against the needs of those around you. Take care to not be putting restrictive boundaries between yourself and those around you and focus only on yourself feeling alienated, deserted and alone. The Moon Symbol is “Mary and her little Lamb”, which is about loving yourself and those around you, operating based on love, kindness and friendship for mutual support, while maintaining your boundaries and your sense of self-integrity. There is a danger here of you or the other person becoming overly dependent on the other.
On February 27, the New Moon occurred with the Moon in Pisces and the Sun in Pisces. This pattern will be influencing us until the next New Moon a Solar Eclipse on March 29, 2025. This vibrational energy pattern brings a sense of expansion as you connect into rich beautiful experiences. This is combined with an awareness of your responsibility to deal with the needs of each day. You may find yourself analyzing your experiences in more depth than usual seeking to figure out what is the really deep core of what is going on. This is a time when you may be able to connect into the deep essence of yourself and become more truly able to express who you really are. Furthermore, you may find yourself realizing how you can more effectively meet your goals as you interact with others about what you are seeking to accomplish. The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon is “An Aviator in the Clouds”. This is about rising above your normal limitations and getting an objective perspective on your internal patterns and the distortions in them. Remember that life is about facing the patterns within you and changing them as you grow rather than seeking to escape your responsibilities.
On October 2, the New Moon Solar Eclipse occurred with the Sun and Moon in Libra. This pattern will be influencing us until the next New Moon Solar Eclipse on March 29, 2025. This vibrational energy pattern shows a strong need for the freedom to express yourself as you feel inside. This involves the development of your own unique pattern of expression being within your culture but free to operate as who you truly are with the awarenesses you have developed. If this is blocked there is likely to be a strong sense of dissatisfaction where you join with others and reach out seeking to find another more satisfactory place. The Sabian Symbol for the Solar Eclipse is “A Professor peering over his Glasses” which encourages you to move beyond your normal mode of perception to perceive a more comprehensive reality where others are viewed kindly, seriously and with respect.. The challenge is to not get caught up in a superior position that distorts your perception and leads to you seeing others as inferior to you where they need to be bossed around for their own good.
The Retrograde Diary: NO DEGREE CHANGES TODAY >> Introductory Period of Neptune: Turning Back of Pluto: Reworking of Mercury, Venus: Resolution of Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune {During the apparent retrograde period each planet’s movement relative to the backdrop of the stars slows down, reverses and then turns back around forward again concentrating its vibration in a particular area. There are issues that each planet focuses on during the period leading up to its turn backwards. These issues are addressed again to be reworked on during the retrograde period [in brackets] then a new understanding of these issues occurs during the post retrograde period. These issues are not from Vibrational Astrology, this is an experiment based on interpretations of the Sabian Symbols that I wrote many years ago. If an entry resonates with you, then claim it, if not, release it, it was for someone else. I would very much like your feedback on this. Points of especially concentrated energy are marked with “!!!”}
Mercury R {Mar 1, 2025 !Mar 6! [Mar 15 – !Mar 24! – Apr 7] !Apr 21! Apr 26} 26 Pisces, 4, 9 Aries → Mar. 23 – 25: (5 Ari – 4 Ari) Reworking: Working on being aware of yourself as an integrated whole with three points of focus, spirit, masculine and feminine centers that give you the potential to move to any destination you choose, learning to cease feeling disconnected from your wholeness and unable to respond to life with flexibility [A triangle with wings]
Venus R {Jan 28, 2025 !Feb 8! [Mar 2 – !Mar 22! – Apr 13] !May 5! May 16} 24 Pisces, 2 Aries, 10 Aries} → Mar. 23 – 25: (2-1 Ari) Reworking: Working on using humor and the resulting objectivity to make a clear analysis of the world around you, moving beyond a subjective emotional viewpoint, learning to cease getting caught up in an artificial sense of pretension and reactiveness coming from taking yourself way too seriously [A comedian entertaining a group]
Mars {Oct 5, 2024 !Oct 27! [Dec 6 – !Jan 15, 2025! –Feb 24] !Apr 11! May 2, 2025} 17, 27 Cancer, 6 Leo → Mar. 23 – 26: (21-22 Can) Resolution: Remember awaiting patiently the development within you of a new way of connecting to others that will enable you to operate genuinely and harmoniously, learning to cease focusing in the future on what you want and do not have, waiting for that desired outcome, missing the opportunities around you in your longing for what may never arrive, and potentially being disappointed when the outcome does not live up to expectations [A woman awaiting a sailboat]
Jupiter {Jul 15,2024 !Aug 11! [Oct 9 – !Dec 7! – Feb 4, 2025] !Apr 2! Apr 30} 11, 16, 21 Gemini → Mar. 17 – 25: (14-15 Gem) Resolution: Remember sharing with those who have the same background and experiences you have, receiving support and understanding, knowing that those experiences are not understood by other people, learning to cease feeling that you’re so different from everyone around you and so misunderstood that you pull off by yourself into isolation [Two Dutch children talking]
Saturn clear of any shadow (Feb 19, 2025– Apr. 5, 2025)
Uranus {May 16,2024 !Jun 20! [Sep 1 – !Nov 16! – Jan 30, 2025] !Apr 10! May 17, 2025} 23, 25, 27 Taurus → Mar. 13 – Apr. 5: (24-25 Tau) Resolution: Remember learning to work in cooperation with others to order and organize the wilderness with the inherent wildness and chaos of life being tamed, or hidden and buried, creating an ordered natural space that everyone can safely share, learning to cease remaining in isolation and being overwhelmed by the wildness within and around you [A large well-kept public park]
Neptune2 {Mar. 13, 2025 !Apr 20! [July 3 – !Sep 23! – Dec.10] !Feb 20, 2026! Mar. 30} 27, 28, 29 Pisces
Neptune1 {Mar.11, 2024 !Apr 18! [July 2 – !Sep 20! – Dec. 7] !Feb 18, 2025! Mar. 28} 27, 28, 29 Pisces → Mar. 13 – 30: (29-30 Pis) Introductory: Are you seeing and experiencing the wholeness that lies behind the polarized realm of time and space recognizing that everything is a manifestation of the one Spirit that is All That Is, learning to cease continuing to be caught up in the illusion of many separate and distinct forms [The Great Stone Face]
Pluto {Jan 10, 2025 !Feb 18! [May 4 – !Jul 25! – Oct 14] !Dec 27! Feb 4, 2026} 1 Aquarius, 2 Aquarius, 3 Aquarius → Mar. 5 – July 7: (3-4 Aqu) Turning Back: The Issue is making a deeper connection into the divine energy of light and love, healing the damage within you and within others that is the result of following distorted external patterns, becoming an experienced healer, learning to cease making false claims of abilities and powers that you do not possess, seeking to manipulate others into believing your claims [A Hindu healer]
Next Cycle Diary:
Pluto {Jan 10, 2025 !Feb 18! [May 4 – !Jul 25! – Oct 14] !Dec 27! Feb 4, 2026} 1 Aquarius, 2 Aquarius, 3 Aquarius
Venus {Jan 28, 2025 !Feb 8! [Mar 2 – !Mar 22! – Apr 13] !May 5! May 16} 24 Pisces, 2 Aries, 10 Aries}
Mercury {Mar 1, 2025 !Mar 6! [Mar 15 – !Mar 24! – Apr 7] !Apr 21! Apr 26} 26 Pisces, 4, 9 Aries
Neptune {Mar. 13, 2025 !Apr 20! [July 3 – !Sep 23! – Dec.10] !Feb 20, 2026! Mar. 30} 27, 28, 29 Pisces
Saturn {Apr 6, 2025 !May 7! [Jul 13 – !Sep 21! –Nov 28] !Jan 30, 2026! Mar 2} 25, 28 Pisces, 1 Aries
Uranus {May 20, 2025 !Jun 25! [Sep 6 – !Nov 21! – Feb 4, 2026] !Apr 15! May 21, 2026} 25, 27 Taurus,1 Gemini
Jupiter {Aug 17, 2025 !Sep 13! [Nov 11 – !Jan 10, 2026! – Mar 11] !May 8! Jun 6} 15, 20, 25 Cancer
Mars {Nov 5, 2026 !Nov 27! [Jan 10, 2027 – !Feb 19! – Apr 1] !May 16! Jun 8} 20 Leo, 0, 10 Virgo
All times are given in Eastern USA time zone.
Linda Berry
*Planetary Pattern Pictures and Sabian Symbol Interpretations, ©Linda Berry,, 1* = 50-100 points, 2* = 100-150 points, etc.