Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Vibrational Astrology Diary
by Linda Berry
Today, Saturday (11/9/19), the strongest vibrational influence comes from Venus joining with Saturn and Uranus (3*). This vibrational pattern is very creative and playful. It is about a free expression giving form to your sense of beauty.  If you are artistic, this is a great time to work on your projects or start a new one.  There is a potential here to tune into an evolving creative flow and take action on it.  You may find that you can tap into this creative awareness better when you are sharing the process with others.  You may also find that this feels a bit like tapping into some greater awareness that is expressing itself through you.  If you are not that artistic, do something to make your world more beautiful like cleaning up and organizing an area of your house.  Another way to respond to this energy is to spend some time today in a place that inspires you, a garden, a forest, a museum, whatever speaks to your soul.

The AstroFrequency(s) for the day (strongest listed first)
{These are modes of operation that are especially `available for you to tap into today}
30 (4*) Sharing harmoniously in evolving, non-linear, creative and playful interactions
20 (2*) Evolving Non-linear Creative or Playful Action
15 (2*) Free-flowing evolving non-linear playful creativity
The Dancing Two-Planet Diary
{When 2 planets interact it influences the way we want to express ourselves, our attitudes, moods, and impulses.  Becoming aware of these vibrations helps us to guide these aspects of ourselves with awareness rather than being controlled by them.  There are longer patterns which tend to have more impact because we feel them for several days in a row and there are quick Moon patterns that impact our moods and feelings for a window of couple of hours either side of the time given.  The longer patterns are stronger and so are listed first, followed by the Moods of the Moon}
Nov 9 – Nov 10 (exact Nov 9) Mercury in Scorpio is sharing freely (sextile) with Pluto in Capricorn. This vibe begins to influence us around 4 AM and is increasing in influence until it peaks at 9:09 PM then decreasing fading out around 3 PM on November 10. This vibration is very focused on mental activity and mental projects.  You may find that you have trouble turning your mind off even to sleep.  Work on your projects by all means and then at bedtime just let the thoughts roll through your mind and let them go.

Nov 7 – Nov 9 (exact Nov 8) the Sun in Scorpio is flowing freely (trine) with Neptune in Pisces. This vibe is decreasing fading out around 12 PM. This vibration brings a tendency to be very in touch with your dreams. You may tend to be so caught up in your dreams that you are not very aware of the everyday world around you.
Nov 7 – Nov 9 (exact Nov 8) the Sun in Scorpio is sharing freely (sextile) with Saturn in Capricorn. This vibe is decreasing fading out around 1 PM. This vibration is focused on analyzing your actions and your life to see if you are involved with the world in a meaningful way.
Oct 28 – Nov 19 (exact Nov 8) Saturn in Capricorn is sharing freely (sextile) with Neptune in Pisces. This vibe is decreasing fading out around 8 PM on November 19.  This vibration brings a sense of a spiritual reality beyond time and space and makes it easier to open up to and flow with the energies of that realm.

The Moods of the Moon
{Remember that the quick Moon patterns impact our moods and feelings for a window of a couple of hours either side of their peak time.}

Starting at 9:25 PM yesterday, peaking at 11:25 PM yesterday, the Moon in Pisces is flowing freely (trine) with the Sun in Scorpio. This 4 hr period brings emotional balance and a sense of well-being.  This is a good time to share with family and friends.

Starting at 11:15 PM yesterday, peaking at 1:15 AM early morning, the Moon in Aries is flowing freely (trine) with Venus in Sagittarius. This 4 hr period is a time of loving caring interaction.  This is a special time to spend with family and friends.

Starting at 12:55 PM, peaking at 2:55 PM, the Moon in Aries is acting and agitating (square) with Saturn in Capricorn. This 4 hr period is an intense time of getting rid of things that no longer belong in your life.  You only want to keep the really important connections and behaviors.
Starting at 10:37 PM, peaking at 12:37 AM after midnight on November 10, the Moon in Aries is acting and agitating (square) with Pluto in Capricorn. This 4 hr period take you deep inside yourself to connect with old patterns that are influencing your current behavior in ways that create problems as you are over-reacting in the current situation because of past issues.

The Cyclic Patterns Diary
{These are patterns that continue over an extended period of time and you may find that rereading this periodically will help you effectively handle what we are all experiencing as our “astral weather” in this time period.}
The First Quarter Moon was on November 4 with the Sun in Scorpio and the Moon in Aquarius. This pattern is influencing us for a week until the Full Moon on November 12.  This Moon pattern involves sensing the deep patterns within you and tuning into them clearly then opening up to the experiences of others and combining your internal awareness with your sense of those you are relating to in order to take effective action that is true to who you really are and yet honors those you are interacting with.  The Sabian Symbol for the Sun is “An embassy ball” which reinforces the aspect pattern as your ecognize your worth and the worth of those around you and are able to make connections and relates to those around you with all of you following codes of behavior that condense down to good manners and respect for others.  You need to take care to stay in touch with your worth and not devalue yourself in comparison with others.  The Moon Symbol is “People on stairs graduated upwards”.  This involves recognizing that you have reached a certain level of awareness and understanding which is good and looking forward to learning more, recognizing that it is not about comparing yourself to others but rather about your ongoing growth.
The New Moon was on October 27 with the Sun and Moon in Scorpio.  This pattern will be influencing us until the next New Moon on November 26. The major influence on this New Moon is Uranus which is likely to bring unexpected things. There will be a tendency towards spontaneous even impulsive actions and an intense need for the freedom to express yourself.  This can bring unexpected results sometimes including accidents so look before you leap.  The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon is ‘A massive, rocky shore” that an old established pattern is keeping you or someone you know from growing and expanding your awareness.  You will probably find that it will only respond to love and compassion as you become open to the possibility of change.  The challenge is for you release your sense of loss and grief and open up to embracing greater awareness and possible transcendence.
The Fall Equinox occurred on September 23.  This is when the Sun enters Libra and the days and nights are of equal length.  This pattern influences us for 3 months until the Winter Solstice on December 21.  The Fall is likely to be a time of analysis and evaluation with the truth and long term reality of your experiences being tested.  You may well see or hear of things that are dishonest or deceptive and you will clearly recognize them or have someone reveal to you the deceptions that have happened.  You are strongly oriented towards understanding the true things that have been happening and eliminating anything else. The Sabian Symbol that helps us deal with all this is “A man before a square with a manuscript scroll before him”.  This is about seeing a pattern in front of you that you seek to understand.  Open your intuition, look at the history and the past patterns that lead up to the present.  It is important to see the long term patterns and to consult older sources of information to see the deeper truth that is currently being revealed.
This Eclipse Cycle began on July 2 and lasts until December 26.  This period is about evaluation and consideration of the meaning of your life and your actions and how you want the rest of your life to go. There is a calling for you to open up to a greater awareness and learn to assume responsibility for using that awareness wisely with humility while operating fairly and being real and genuine. This is done by stepping back and getting the objectivity that will enable you to move more effectively towards your dreams recognizing that sometimes the reactions of others to you come from their problems and issues rather than from your actions.  This is about acting from your true self rather than using a façade to cover up who you really are.

The Retrograde Diary: Check out changes today:  Check out changes today:    DEGREE CHANGES: Mercury
Reworking Patterns of Mercury, Uranus, Neptune: Turning Forward of Pluto: Final Resolution of Saturn
{During the apparent retrograde period each planet’s movement relative to the backdrop of the stars slows down, reverses and then turns back around forward again concentrating its vibration in a particular area. There are issues that each planet focuses on during the period leading up to its turn backwards.  These issues are addressed again to be reworked on during the retrograde period [in brackets] then a new understanding of these issues occurs during the post retrograde period.  These issues are not from Vibrational Astrology, this is an experiment based on interpretations of the Sabian Symbols that I wrote many years ago.  If an entry resonates with you, then claim it, if not, release it, it was for someone else.  I would very much like your feedback on this.}
!!!Mercury Rx {Oct 12, 2019 [Oct 31 – !Nov 11! – Nov 20] Dec 7} 11 – 27 Scorpio
Nov. 9 – 10:  (22-21 Sco) Reworking:  Working on being able to find yourself trapped in rigid patterns of duty and obligation that you can no longer tolerate and maintain your personal integrity so you stop operating within these previously binding structures, learning to cease allowing duty and obligation to others to define you so that you’re doing what is expected of you without evaluation [A soldier derelict in duty]
Saturn {Jan 22, 2019 [Apr 29 – !Jul 9! – Sep 18] Dec 24} 13 – 20 Capricorn
Nov. 8 – 20:  (16-17 Cap) Resolution:  Remember to remove yourself from the control or power of others and covertly opening yourself to greater contact with all that is around you, learning to cease suppressing your natural instincts based on fear of the reactions of others [A girl surreptitiously bathing in the nude]
Uranus Rx {Apr. 25, 2019 [Aug. 11 – !Oct 28! – Jan. 10, 2020] Apr. 26, 2020} 2 – 6  Taurus
Oct. 18 – Nov. 12:  (5-4 Tau) Reworking:  Working on being able to recognize that there is a greater life that you live that transcends this realm of time and space, where you remain connected even beyond death and that you can embrace both this realm and that greater life, learning to cease being caught up in a raw sense of loss and grief that is blocking your awareness of the oneness and harmony of the spiritual realm [A widow at an open grave]
Neptune Rx {Mar. 1, 2019 [June 21 – !Nov. 27! – Mar. 17, 2020} 15 – 18 Pisces
Sept. 21 – Nov. 11:  (17-16 Pis) Reworking:  Working on being able to enter into the process of transformative rebirth, experiencing a renewed faith in life that is triumphing over doubt, fear and loss, learning to cease putting on a show, driven by a superficial craving for attention, pretending to joy while feeling lost and guilty and inadequate within yourself [An Easter promenade]
Pluto {Jan 1, 2019 [Apr. 24 – !Jun 14! – Oct 2] Jan. 23, 2020} 20 – 23 Capricorn
Aug. 24 – Nov. 10:  (21-20 Cap) Turning Forward:  The Challenge is to realize that you cannot accomplish your goals by yourself and allying yourself with others so you can reach a common goal together, learning to cease refusing to work together with other people, unable to trust something beyond yourself, preferring defeat to cooperation [A relay race]
Next Cycle:
Mercury {Feb 2, 2020 [Feb 16 – !Feb 25! – Mar 9] Mar 30} 28 Aquarius – 12 Pisces
Venus {Apr 8, 2020 [May 13 – !Jun 3! – Jun 25] Jul 29, 2020} 5 – 21 Gemini
Mars {Jul 25, 2020 [Sept 20 – !Oct 13! – Nov 13] Jan 3, 2021} 15 – 28 Aries
Jupiter {Feb 18, 2020 [May 14 – !Jul 14! – Sep 12] Dec 6, 2021} 17 – 27 Capricorn
Saturn {Feb 3, 2020 [May 11 – !Jul 20! – Sep 18] Jan 3, 2021} 25 Capricorn – 1 Aquarius
Uranus {Apr. 28, 2020 [Aug 15 – !Oct 31! – Jan 14, 2021] May 1, 2021} 6 – 10 Taurus 
Neptune {Mar. 2, 2020 [June 22 – !Sep 11! – Nov. 28] Mar. 19, 2020} 15 – 18 Pisces
Pluto {Jan 4, 2020 [Apr. 25 – !Jul 15! – Oct 4] Jan. 25, 2021} 22 – 24 Capricorn

All times are given in Eastern USA time zone.

Linda Berry