Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Vibrational Astrology Diary
by Linda Berry
Today, Thursday (9/19/19), the strongest vibrational influence comes from Mercury joining with Jupiter and Neptune (1*). This vibration is focused in the mind with us thinking about our dreams and visions.  There is an ability today to step back and see the big picture, see how our dreams fit into the bigger picture of the unfolding flow of life on this planet Earth. This is not just a conscious process today, rather the deeper levels of the mind, the subconscious and unconscious levels are very active today working on how to manifest those dreams in the most effective way.  You may well have some ideas surface within your mind that bring you new or expanded insights into making your dreams become the reality of your life.
The AstroFrequency(s) for the day (strongest listed first)
{These are modes of operation that are strongly available for you to tap into today}
32 (2*) Deeply internalized thoughts that are not seen by others but drive action
16 (1*) Action from internal thought patterns
24 (1*) Harmonious or free flowing action to manifest something or make something  happen
19 (1*) Mentally focused and objective analysis of patterns, philosophies and cultures to find and act on effective ways of functioning

The Dancing Two-Planet Diary
{When 2 planets interact it influences the way we want to express ourselves, our attitudes, moods, and impulses.  Becoming aware of these vibrations helps us to guide these aspects of ourselves with awareness rather than being controlled by them.  There are longer patterns which tend to have more impact because we feel them for several days in a row and there are quick Moon patterns that impact our moods and feelings for a window of couple of hours either side of the time given.  The longer patterns are stronger and so are listed first, followed by the Moods of the Moon}

Sep 17 – Sep 21 (exact Sep 19) Mars in Virgo is flowing freely (trine) with Pluto in Capricorn. This vibe is increasing in influence until it peaks at 11:53 AM then decreasing fading out around 1 AM on September 21.  This vibration is a very intense action energy.  You need to act.  It is extremely important that this vibration be focused consciously.  Work on some project that is important to you, or engage in intense physical activity, sports, running, rebuilding your house.  If this energy is not released in a constructive way, it is possible that it will be released in a negative way.

Sep 14 – Sep 29 (exact Sep 21) Jupiter in Sagittarius is acting and agitating (square) with Neptune in Pisces. This vibe is increasing in influence until it peaks at 12:44 PM on September 21. This vibration is about taking action on your dreams and seeking to expand them and make them more real in your life.

The Moods of the Moon
{Remember that the quick Moon patterns impact our moods and feelings for a window of a couple of hours either side of their peak time.}

Starting at 8:19 PM yesterday, peaking at 10:19 PM yesterday, the Moon in Taurus is flowing freely (trine) with Mars in Virgo. This 4 hr period is very active. You need to go out and do something.  Be sure you focus your activity in a constructive way.
Starting at 9:02 PM yesterday, peaking at 11:02 PM yesterday, the Moon in Taurus is flowing freely (trine) with Pluto in Capricorn. This 4 hr period tends to bring up old patterns of fear and pain and anger.  Be aware that if you are not aware, you could unintentionally dump those feelings on other people who don’t deserve it, people that you really don’t want to hurt or attack.
Starting at 7:57 AM, peaking at 9:57 AM, the Moon in Taurus is flowing freely (trine) with the Sun in Virgo. This 4 hr period brings a nice balance of the feelings and moods expressing freely and openly.  There is an inclination to feel content and happy at this time unless you are dealing with big upsetting problems.
At 4:58 PM the Moon enters Gemini bringing 2 ½ days where your mood may be light hearted and you may just feel like exploring your world especially in combination with spending time with friends.  This is a wonderful time to stop and smell the roses or walk down the main drag in your town go into some of the shops you have never been in to just learn what they are doing.  You may discover something really exciting.

The Cyclic Patterns Diary
{These are patterns that continue over an extended period of time and you may find that rereading this periodically will help you effectively handle what we are all experiencing as our “astral weather” in this time period.}

The Full Moon was on September 14 with the Moon in Pisces opposing the Sun in Virgo
. The Full Moon will influence us until the next New Moon on September 28. Neptune and Mars join the Sun and the Moon to focus all of us on acting on our dreams for the future. The Sabian Symbol for the Sun is “A royal coat of arms” which reminds us that we all have a responsibility to aid, guide and protect others.  The Symbol for the Moon is “A man bringing down the new law from Sinai”.  This brings us the challenge of learning the laws for operating in harmony with the divine and expand our understanding of our personal responsibility for our actions.
The New Moon was on August 30 with the Sun and the Moon joining together in Virgo. This will influence us until the next New Moon on September 28. Mars, Mercury, and Uranus are directly interacting with the New Moon with a special emphasis on Mars.  This brings the need to act on your thoughts and impulses.  This can be very effective if you act with awareness and wisdom, checking if you are jumping into a field of flowers or a sink hole.  The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon is “A harem” which indicates that you need to be aware of the creative potential developing within you which can bring abundance.  This is focused in a second Sabian Symbol “An Indian squaw pleading to the chief for the lives of her children”.  This reminds us that problem behaviors that we see in ourselves and others may come from immaturity and that it is our job to help each other to grow and become more aware of the worth and value of each person.

This Eclipse Cycle began on July 2 and lasts until December 26.  This period is about evaluation and consideration of the meaning of your life and your actions and how you want the rest of your life to go. There is a calling for you to open up to a greater awareness and learn to assume responsibility for using that awareness wisely with humility while operating fairly and being real and genuine. This is done by stepping back and getting the objectivity that will enable you to move more effectively towards your dreams recognizing that sometimes the reactions of others to you come from their problems and issues rather than from your actions.  This is about acting from your true self rather than using a façade to cover up who you really are.

The Sun officially entered Cancer and Summer began on June 21.  The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year.  This seasonal pattern will be influencing us until the Fall Equinox on September 23.  The strong vibrations for this summer emphasize a sensitivity to the stories of those around us and a recognition of our responsibility for those in our communities who have more problems than we do.  The base Sabian Symbol for Summer is “A furled and unfurled flag displayed from a vessel” which shows that Summer is a time for seeing more clearly who you really are.  This can result in making a commitment to a new orientation or cause and giving up your old ways.  If you do not connect in with the deep core of yourself you may feel unstable and very moody.  The reaction we have to the challenges of this season is shown by the symbol “A big white dove, a message bearer”.  This is about learning to solve your issues by receiving gentle messages from outside or inside yourself as you are opening to the spirit and becoming more clearly connected into your core.  If you do not open up to these messages you may find yourself caught in a cycle of doubt and depression believing things will never improve.
The Retrograde Diary:
Turning Backward of Uranus: Reworking Patterns of Neptune: Turning Forward of Saturn, Pluto: Final Resolution of Jupiter
{During the apparent retrograde period each planet’s movement relative to the backdrop of the stars slows down, reverses and then turns back around forward again concentrating its vibration in a particular area. There are issues that each planet focuses on during the period leading up to its turn backwards.  These issues are addressed again to be reworked on during the retrograde period [in brackets] then a new understanding of these issues occurs during the post retrograde period.  These issues are not from Vibrational Astrology, this is an experiment based on interpretations of the Sabian Symbols that I wrote many years ago.  If an entry resonates with you, then claim it, if not, release it, it was for someone else.  I would very much like your feedback on this.}

Jupiter {Jan 12, 2019 [Apr 10 – !Jun 11! – Aug 11] Nov 5} 14 – 24 Sagittarius
Sept. 11 – 21:  (16-17 Sag) Resolution:  Remember to join with others to celebrate the symbols of transformation, the death of the old self and the birth of a new self in which the divine lives, learning to cease focusing on the pain and losses of the past and being unable to let them go which keeps you depressed and stuck in your historical pattern [An Easter sunrise service]
Saturn Rx {Jan 22, 2019 [Apr 29 – !Jul 9! – Sep 18] Dec 24} 13 – 20 Capricorn
Sept. 7 – 28:  (14-13 Cap) Turning Forward:  The Challenge is to open up to embracing the ancient awarenesses and truths that have been preserved for future generations, establishing a solid foundation for your life, applying this in a flexible way in the present, learning to cease being rigidly caught up in old patterns and old memories, stuck in the past, unable to move into the present [An ancient bas-relief carved in granite]

Uranus Rx {Apr. 25, 2019 [Aug. 11 – !Oct 28! – Jan. 10, 2020] Apr. 26, 2020} 2 – 6  Taurus
July 3 – Sept. 20:  (6-7 Tau) Turning Back:  The Issue is to experience love that recognizes your alienation and embraces it; reaching across the abyss to affirm you, learning to cease rejecting the love being offered; as you continue to focus on your separateness, alienation and loneliness [A woman of Samaria]

Neptune Rx {Mar. 1, 2019 [June 21 – Nov. 27] Mar. 17, 2020} 15 – 18 Pisces
Aug. 14 – Sept. 21:  (18-17 Pis) Reworking:  Working on being able to experience a greater reality that encompasses everything, passionately sharing this inspiring vision with others, learning to cease feeling that you have all the answers and that you should be deferred to as you’re manipulating and exploiting those around you [A gigantic tent]

Pluto Rx {Jan 1, 2019 [Apr. 24 – !Jun 14! – Oct 2] Jan. 23, 2020} 20 – 23 Capricorn
Aug. 24 – Nov. 10:  (21-20 Cap) Turning Forward:  The Challenge is to realize that you cannot accomplish your goals by yourself and allying yourself with others so you can reach a common goal together, learning to cease refusing to work together with other people, unable to trust something beyond yourself, preferring defeat to cooperation [A relay race]

Next Cycle:
Mercury {Oct 12, 2019 [Oct 31 – !Nov 11! – Nov 20] Dec 7} 11 – 27 Scorpio
Venus {Apr 8, 2020 [May 13 – !Jun 3! – Jun 25] Jul 29, 2020} 5 – 21 Gemini
Mars {Jul 25, 2020 [Sept 20 – !Oct 13! – Nov 13] Jan 3, 2021} 15 – 28 Aries
Jupiter {Feb 18, 2020 [May 14 – !Jul 14! – Sep 12] Dec 6, 2021} 17 – 27 Capricorn
Saturn {Feb 3, 2020 [May 11 – !Jul 20! – Sep 18] Jan 3, 2021} 25 Capricorn – 1 Aquarius
Uranus {Apr. 28, 2020 [Aug 15 – !Oct 31! – Jan 14, 2021] May 1, 2021} 6 – 10 Taurus 
Neptune {Mar. 2, 2020 [June 22 – !Sep 11! – Nov. 28] Mar. 19, 2020} 15 – 18 Pisces
Pluto {Jan 4, 2020 [Apr. 25 – !Jul 15! – Oct 4] Jan. 25, 2021} 22 – 24 Capricorn

All times are given in Eastern USA time zone.

Linda Berry