Tuesday, February 8, 2022

The Vibrational Astrology Diary
by Linda Berry*

At 8:50 AM EST the First Quarter Moon occurs with the Sun in Aquarius and the Moon in Taurus.
Today, Tuesday (2/8/2022), the strongest vibrational influence comes from Venus and Mars joining with Uranus (1*). Today’s vibration pattern has these three vibrational energies flowing smoothly with each other. There is a real direct tangible connection with the world around you and a desire to interact in a real way in this moment. This is a very spontaneous vibration with sudden electrical feelings of love and a sudden impulsive need to act right now this moment based on whatever idea comes into my head in this moment. Yet at the same time there is a strong need to operate in ways that the people around you are comfortable with. This can generate feelings of conflict inside you, perhaps a feeling of inhibition if you think other people will be uncomfortable with the things you are thinking about doing. Then inhibition can result in anger, even though no one has done or said anything to you that is a problem, it all comes from internal processes you are experiencing. If you understand what is happening it will be easier to handle. (For VA Students: Vibe(s): 3, 6)

The AstroFrequency(s) for the day (strongest listed first)
3 (1*) Free flowing, unrestricted movement of energy in either positive or negative directions
29 (1*) Evolution through immersion in new world views

The Sabian Symbols of our Featured Planets: Venus, Mars, Uranus
The uplifting message from the featured planet positions that shows the way through: You are studying the natural harmonies of all of life, the integration of all life together, helping others open up to these little-known patterns. You are opening to a growing awareness of all the opportunities and possibilities available to you. You are removing yourself from the control or power of others and covertly opening yourself to greater contact with all that is around you. The more dysfunctional expression of this message: You are intellectualizing about the natural patterns from a position of smug superiority, focused on how this will benefit you. You are feeling inadequate and discouraged by the impossibility of getting what you desire. You are suppressing your natural instincts based on fear of the reactions of others.

12 Capricorn = Mars and Venus interacting with Uranus [A student of nature lecturing]
You are studying the natural harmonies of all of life, the integration of all life together, helping others open up to these little-known patterns and/or you are intellectualizing about the natural patterns from a position of smug superiority, focused on how this will benefit you

12 Taurus = Uranus [Window-shoppers]
You are opening to a growing awareness of all the opportunities and possibilities available to you and/or you are feeling inadequate and discouraged by the impossibility of getting what you desire

17 Capricorn = Venus combining with Mars [A girl surreptitiously bathing in the nude]
You are removing yourself from the control or power of others and covertly opening yourself to greater contact with all that is around you and/or you are suppressing your natural instincts based on fear of the reactions of others

Two-Planet Diary
{When 2 planets interact it influences the way we want to express ourselves, our attitudes, moods, and impulses. Becoming aware of these vibrations helps us to guide these aspects of ourselves with awareness rather than being controlled by them. There are longer patterns which tend to have more impact because we feel them for several days in a row and there are quick Moon patterns that impact our moods and feelings for a window of couple of hours either side of the time given. The longer patterns are stronger and so are listed first, followed by the Moods of the Moon}

Feb 7 – Feb 9 (exact Feb 8) Mars in Capricorn is flowing freely (trine) with Uranus in Taurus. This vibe is increasing in influence until it peaks at 9:57 AM then decreasing fading out around 7 PM on Feb 9. This vibration is extremely energetic. The active energy of Mars is electrified by Uranus. There is the potential here for sudden expressions of energy, impulsive outbursts and even violence erupting from situations where it was not expected. Be aware that there is a lot of hard to control impulsive energy for this time period.

The Moods of the Moon.
{Remember that the quicker Moon patterns impact our moods and feelings for a short window of time around 4 hours, 2 hours each side of the exact position.}

Starting at 12:01 AM, peaking at 2:01 AM, the Moon in Taurus is acting and agitating (square) with Saturn in Aquarius. This 4 hr period is a time when you want to focus on what is really important in your life and take actions to support those things. This could involve thing like working on long-term projects or cleaning out the things that are not important. So this is a good time to clean up something that has been bothering you.
At 8:50 AM, the Moon in Taurus is acting and agitating (square) with the Sun in Aquarius. This is the First Quarter Moon. See the Cyclic Patterns Diary.
Starting at 10:40 AM, peaking at 12:40 PM, the Moon in Taurus is sharing freely (sextile) with Neptune in Pisces. This 4 hr period could bring a distracted dreamy feeling when you are not really sharply focused. Instead you may find yourself day-dreaming about what you would like your life to be like. This is a good time to dream, but not a good time to act on those dreams. Wait until you are thinking more clearly.

Starting at 6:48 PM, peaking at 8:48 PM, the Moon in Taurus is flowing freely (trine) with Mercury in Capricorn. This 4 hr period brings a good interaction between your mind and emotions helping you to both think and feel clearly. This is a good time to be working on important projects.
Starting at 9:48 PM, peaking at 11:48 PM, the Moon in Taurus is flowing freely (trine) with Pluto in Capricorn. In this 4 hr period deep feelings within you that you have buried could affect your mood. Be aware that you may be reacting to the past rather than the present and ask yourself if you have felt this way in the past and when and with whom. Be prepared to walk away from a situation if you get triggered.

The Cyclic Patterns Diary
{These are patterns that continue over an extended period of time and you may find that rereading this periodically will help you effectively handle what we are all experiencing as our “astral weather” in this time period.}

At 8:50 AM EST the First Quarter Moon occurs with the Sun in Aquarius and the Moon in Taurus. This vibrational pattern will be influencing us until the Full Moon on February 16. This vibrational pattern involves a strong Saturn with the Quarter Moon. This indicates that it will be essential to see what the essence of the situation is, the truth below the surface even if it is emotionally uncomfortable. Internal patterns and ways of thinking need to be acted upon and this may be stressful for everyone involved. The Sabian Symbol for the Sun is “A Big White Dove, a Message Bearer” which calls us to open up to the truth within us and to spirit speaking to us and realize that there is hope, there is a way through to a better place, a way to solve your issues. The Moon Symbol is “Wind, Clouds and Haste”. It is about leaning to be deeply involved in your experiences as you have them but able to quickly adjust to changes and flow in a new way. Remember if you attempt to grasp too tightly to past perceptions and old beliefs you will cloud your vision and be unable to see what is actually happening right now.

On February 1 the New Moon occurred with the Sun and Moon in Aquarius. This vibrational pattern will be influencing us until the next New Moon on March 2. This vibrational pattern points to two conflicting influences, the need to be responsible and do what will last through the ages and the need to do what you feel like in the moment. There is also an awareness here of the importance of directly participating in life in a real nitty gritty way. There is more going on that people can see and this calls for tuning into the mystery and then acting based on your analysis and intuition seeking to understand that which is foreign to you. The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon is “A Barometer” which is about tuning into the fluctuations in the people and environment around you, recognizing the patterns that are in the process of forming and thus being able to predict and guide unfolding events. There is a potential for getting so caught up in the unfolding currents that you become blind to the patterns that are present.

On December 21, the Winter Solstice occurred with the Sun entering Capricorn and the Moon in Cancer. This Vibrational Pattern is about the importance and the beauty of old patterns and a very strong attraction to this. This is combined with a sense of the importance of the unique way each person can make contributions to life by connecting in with and expressing the unique essence within them. There is encouragement here to spend time inside yourself connecting into who you are in your core and to work on how that fits into the world around you. The Sabian Symbol for the Sun to Moon interaction is “Two Angels bringing Protection”. This encourages you to open up to the protection of the divine that is being offered to both your conscious and unconscious selves. Be open to people appearing to help just when you need them.

On December 4, a New Moon Solar Eclipse occurred with the Sun and Moon in Sagittarius. This is the final event of this eclipse season. It will be influencing us at least until the start of the next Eclipse Season on April 30, 2022. There is a special emphasis in this Eclipse on evaluating the patterns we are living by. It is especially important to consider the strengths and weaknesses of the ways that we have been understanding the world. There is a restlessness and a need to move out and find a different world that will work more effectively and be more satisfactory. The Sabian Symbol for the Eclipse is “A Widow’s Past brought to Light”. This is about facing your past actions, the destructiveness, and blindness that you have been involved in and taking responsibility for them. The emphasis is on working on the distorted patterns within you, making amends, and forgiving yourself and others so that you can make a new beginning.

On November 19, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurred with the Moon in Taurus opposing the Sun in Scorpio. This is the start of this eclipse season and this vibrational pattern will be influencing us until the next Eclipse Season starts on April 30, 2022. This Vibrational Pattern involves the Sun and Moon especially strongly interacting with Mercury. This shows that emotional patterns and history will be very important during this next 5 months. There is a focus on creating programs, concepts that are acceptable to everybody involved. There is also an awareness of the needs of people and how they are or are not being met. The Sabian Symbol for the Sun is “The King of the Fairies approaching his Domain” which points to the importance of understanding your true essence, the domain within the core of your being where you’re truly and confidently in command of yourself. If you are not in touch with the core of your being you may try to use control to prove your superiority. The Moon Symbol is “A Woman pursued by Mature Romance”. This is about participating in a mature type of love that involves a greater awareness of your interconnectivity to others. There is a warning to not closing down to love because you are being guided by social expectations of what love means and what types of love are permissible.

The Retrograde Diary: DEGREE CHANGES TODAY: Venus
Introductory Contact for Pluto: Resolution of Mercury, Venus, Uranus, Neptune
{During the apparent retrograde period each planet’s movement relative to the backdrop of the stars slows down, reverses and then turns back around forward again concentrating its vibration in a particular area. There are issues that each planet focuses on during the period leading up to its turn backwards. These issues are addressed again to be reworked on during the retrograde period [in brackets] then a new understanding of these issues occurs during the post retrograde period. These issues are not from Vibrational Astrology, this is an experiment based on interpretations of the Sabian Symbols that I wrote many years ago. If an entry resonates with you, then claim it, if not, release it, it was for someone else. I would very much like your feedback on this. Points of especially concentrated energy are marked with “!”}

Mercury {Dec 29, 2021 !Jan 04, 2022! [Jan 14 – !Jan 23! – Feb 04] !Feb 17! Feb 24} 24 Capricorn – 10 Aquarius –> Feb. 7 – 9: (25-26 Cap) Resolution: Remember to experience an exceptional level of sensitiveness to subtle energies as you spontaneously open to delight and wonder, allowing you to make better contact with both the spiritual and elemental realms, learning to cease being so lighthearted and irresponsible that you don’t take anything seriously or being so bogged down in work that you don’t get any form of release [A water sprite]

!!!Venus {Nov 17, 2021 !Nov28! [Dec 19 – !Jan 8! – Jan 29, 2022] !Feb 19! Mar 2} 11, 18, 26 Capricorn –> Feb. 8 – 10: (13-14 Cap) Resolution: Remember opening up to embracing the ancient awarenesses and truths that have been preserved for future generations, establishing a solid foundation for your life, applying this in a flexible way in the present, learning to cease being rigidly caught up in old patterns and old memories, stuck in the past, unable to move into the present [An ancient bas-relief carved in granite]

Mars clear of any shadow (Jan 3, 2021 – Sep 3, 2022)

Jupiter clear of any shadow (Jan 9 – May 4, 2022)

Saturn clear of any shadow (Jan 14 – Feb 28, 2022)

Uranus {May 3, 2021 !Jun 8! [Aug 19 – !Nov 4! – Jan 18, 2022] !Mar 29! May 5, 2022} 10, 12, 14 Taurus –> Feb. 7 – Mar. 12: (11-12 Tau) Resolution: Remember opening to a growing awareness of all the opportunities and possibilities available to you, learning to cease feeling inadequate and discouraged by the impossibility of getting what you desire [Window-shoppers]

Neptune {Mar. 5, 2021 !Apr 11! [June 25 – !Sep 14! – Dec. 1] !Feb 11, 2022! Mar. 22} 20 – 23 Pisces –> Jan. 16 – Feb. 17: (21-22 Pis) Resolution: Remember that you have learned the laws of operation in harmony with the divine within this new realm of consciousness and how to personally and responsibly embrace and express a greater understanding, and you have learned to cease allowing others to dictate what you should believe or seeking to control and dictate what others should believe [A man bringing down the new law from Sinai]

Pluto {Jan 6, 2022 !Feb 13! [Apr. 29 – !Jul 19! – Oct 8] !Dec 22! Jan. 29, 2023} 26, 27, 28 Capricorn –> Jan. 2 – Feb. 2: (26-27 Cap) Resolution and Introductory: Remember to climb to the heights of the mountains, seeking to make the connections needed to bring spiritual awareness into yourself and the world, learning to cease seeking to reach the top of the heap in order to show that you’re better than others so you can look down on them from your exalted position [A mountain pilgrimage]

Next Cycle Diary:
Saturn {Feb 26, 2022 !Mar 30! [Jun 4 – !Aug 14! – Oct 23] !Dec 26! Jan 26, 2023} 18, 21, 25 Aquarius
Neptune {Mar. 7, 2022 !Apr 14! [June 28 – !Sep 16! – Dec. 3] !Feb 14,2023! Mar. 24} 22, 24, 25 Pisces
Mercury {Apr 26, 2022 !Apr 30! [May 10 – !May 21! – Jun 03] !Jun 14! Jun 18} 26 Taurus, 0, 4 Gemini
Jupiter {May 4, 2022 !May 31! [Jul 28 – !Sep 26! – Nov 23] !Jan 18, 2023! Feb 14, 2023} 28 Pisces, 3 Aries, 8 Aries
Uranus {May 7, 2022 !Jun 12! [Aug 24 – !Nov 9! – Jan 22, 2023] !Apr 3! May 9, 2023} 14, 16, 18 Taurus
Mars {Sep 3, 2022 !Sep 20! [Oct 30 – !Dec 8! – Jan 12] !Feb 21! Mar 16, 2023} 8, 16, 25 Gemini
Pluto {Jan 8, 2023 !Feb 16! [May 1 – !Jul 21! – Oct 11] !Dec 25! Feb 1, 2024} 27, 29 Capricorn, 0 Aquarius
Venus {Jun 19, 2023 !Jun 30! [Jul 23 – !Aug 13! – Sep 4, 2022] !Sep 26! Oct 9} 12, 20, 28 Leo

All times are given in Eastern USA time zone.
Linda Berry
*Planetary Pattern Pictures and Sabian Symbol Interpretations, ©Linda Berry, AstroSleuth.org, 1* = 50-100 points, 2* = 100-150 points, etc.