Tuesday, January 2, 2024

The Vibrational Astrology Diary
by Linda Berry

Today, Tuesday (1/2/2024),the strongest vibrational influence comes from Venus joining with Neptune and Pluto (1*).  This strongest vibrational energy is working deep within us helping us to tune into our unique special gifts. This is about recognizing what we each have to contribute to others and to the unfolding energies of life here on earth. This also includes tuning into what others have to offer and helping them develop and share their special insights and gifts. This is especially about the beautiful visions and ideals we each feel compelled to express in our lives. This is what each of us feels passionate about, the dreams and goals that give our lives meaning. This vibrational pattern has the potential for helping you to connect into yourselves and others on a deeper level. (For VA Students: 13, 26)

The AstroFrequency(s) for the day (strongest listed first)
13 (1*) Internally focused on expressing your true self and moving Beyond Average or Mediocre
21 (1*) Internalized easy flow of awareness, Works toward Free-flowing Elegance

The Sabian Symbols of our Featured Planets: Venus, Neptune, Pluto >>>

The uplifting message from the featured planet positions that shows the way through:
You are interacting with a wise guide who can help you participate in this expanded realm, seeing through the darkness and better understanding the fundamental principles that are operating. You are beginning to operate effectively in both the spiritual and the earthly realms based on a new vision and finding your unique way to respond to that vision.  You are reaching a level of expertise where you operate from true authority and are participating in and managing the world’s hidden realities.

The more dysfunctional expression of this message:
You are smugly assuming that you know it all and refusing to listen to any input from others. You are feeling alone and isolated, fearing disconnection from others if you’re true to yourself, failing to see the underlying reality in which everyone is connected.  You are failing to claim your true authority as you block yourself off from awareness of the deeper realities around you and within you.

5 Sagittarius = Venus [An old owl up in a tree]  You are interacting with a wise guide who can help you participate in this expanded realm, seeing through the darkness and better understanding the fundamental principles that are operating and/or you are smugly assuming that you know it all and refusing to listen to any input from others

26 Pisces = Neptune [A new moon that divides its influences]  You are beginning to operate effectively in both the spiritual and the earthly realms based on a new vision and finding your unique way to respond to that vision and/or you are feeling alone and isolated, fearing disconnection from others if you’re true to yourself, failing to see the underlying reality in which everyone is connected

30 Capricorn = Pluto [A secret business conference]  You are reaching a level of expertise where you operate from true authority and are participating in and managing the world’s hidden realities and/or you are failing to claim your true authority as you block yourself off from awareness of the deeper realities around you and within you

The Two Planet Diary
{When 2 planets interact it influences the way we want to express ourselves, our attitudes, moods, and impulses. Becoming aware of these vibrations helps us to guide these aspects of ourselves with awareness rather than being controlled by them.

There are longer patterns which tend to have more impact because we feel them for several days in a row and there are quick Moon patterns that impact our moods and feelings for a window of a couple of hours either side of the exact time of the aspect. The longer patterns are stronger and so are listed here, followed by a section on the  Moods of the Moon}

Dec 31 – Jan 2 (exact Jan 1) Venus in Sagittarius is acting and agitating (square) with Saturn in Pisces. This vibe is decreasing fading out around 6 AM on Dec. 2. This vibrational energy pattern is about taking action based on a sense of fundamental and essential beauty. This is about focusing on what is truly important in your life.

The Moods of the Moon
{The Moon patterns only last a short period of time. They impact our moods and feelings for around 4 hours, 2 hours each side of the exact position.}

Starting at 8:09 PM yesterday, peaking at 10:09 PM yesterday, the Moon in Virgo is flowing freely (trine) with Uranus in Taurus. In this 4 hr period you have an easy sense of flexibility and ability to respond in the immediate moment in a natural way based on tuning into beautiful universal structures that you can use to guide you.

Starting at 1:54 AM, peaking at 3:54 AM, the Moon in Virgo is acting and agitating (square) with Mercury in Sagittarius. This 4 hr period involves your emotions and moods stimulating your mind and results in you needing to balance your mind and emotions in order to act in clear constructive ways.  It is important for you to pay attention to your feelings and your thoughts on whatever is happening now and remember to think before you act.

Starting at 7:50 AM, peaking at 9:50 AM, the Moon in Virgo is opposing Neptune in Pisces. This 4 hr period brings a feeling of dreaminess and vagueness as you are more connected into your dreams than into the everyday realities around you.  This is a good time to share your dreams with someone you are close to.

Starting at 3:13 PM, peaking at 5:13 PM, the Moon in Virgo is acting and agitating (square) with Mars in Sagittarius. In this 4 hr period you may find yourself more prone to be emotionally worked up. Doing something active will use the energy in a constructive way. Take a walk even if it’s just around the block or down the hall, do some squats, run in place, anything that uses the excess energy that is floating around right now.

Starting at 4:36 PM, peaking at 6:36 PM, the Moon in Virgo is flowing freely (trine) with Pluto in Capricorn. In this 4 hr period deep feelings within you that you have buried could affect your mood.  Be aware that you may be reacting to the past rather than the present. Ask yourself if you have felt this way in the past and when and with whom.  Be prepared to walk away from a situation if you get triggered.

At 7:47 PM the Moon enters LibraThe Moon in Libra for the next 2 ½ days will tend to focus on the nature of your interactions with others.  The Libran Moon wants to relate to others as equals and to respect others and to be respected by those around you.  Encouraging this type of interaction will be beneficial to everyone.

The Cyclic Patterns Diary {These are patterns that continue over an extended period of time and you may find that rereading this periodically will help you effectively handle what we are all experiencing as our “astral weather” in this time period.}

On December 26, the Full Moon occurred with the Moon in Cancer and the Sun in Capricorn. This vibrational energy pattern will be influencing us until the New Moon on January 11, 2024. This vibrational energy pattern brings a strong emphasis on growth and expansion. There is a sense of your interactions bringing a natural flow of expansion. There is a strong emphasis in this Full Moon on interacting with others in harmonious flowing exchanges. The community is a likely source of support, especially certain people in your community that you are especially involved with. It is important to evaluate the communities you are involved in and determine whether you are in resonance with the communities you relate in. The Sabian Symbol for the Sun is “Indians rowing a Canoe and dancing a War Dance” which is about learning to recognize that there are many viewpoints that all need to be understood and appreciated. There is a danger here of joining with like-minded people and threatening those who do not share your views and perspectives on life. The Symbol for the Moon is “An Automobile wrecked by a Train”. Here you are challenged to look realistically at what is going on around you so you can see the dangers and move to a safer place. If you let yourself get distracted by your feelings so you cannot clearly see what is going on around you, you may not be able to protect yourself from the dangers around you. The challenge is to be clear and aware over the next two weeks.

On December 21 the Winter Solstice occurred as the Sun entered Capricorn. This vibrational energy will be influencing us until the Spring Equinox on March 19. This is the shortest day of the year. After the Winter Solstice the days start getting longer and by the Spring Equinox the temperature starts to catch up with the lengthening days. The Solstice brings a flow of unfolding energy that contains the potential for a rebirth in our understanding of both the past and the present. There is a sense of being called to walk in harmony with the people and the world around us as we tune into what is really fundamental and foundational. The Vibration between the Sun and the Moon gives us the Sabian Symbol of “A Case of Apoplexy”. Apoplexy is an old name for something like a stroke where you are temporarily unconscious from an overload in your system. This speaks to very contradictory feelings wanting to express but feeling anxious and fearing disapproval. This is about facing that which is within you that may be inhibiting your ability to truly express what you are. You are meant to shine as a reflection of the one light connecting into something beyond yourself.

On December 19, the First Quarter Moon occurred with the Moon in Pisces and the Sun in Sagittarius. This vibrational energy pattern relates to your dreams and ideals and the process of making those dreams a real part of your life. At this time people are likely to be focused on their own experience and operate out of their own sense of what they need to do without regard to the ideas or opinions of others. This can make for some boundary breaking actions that can be quite unpredictable. The Sabian Symbol for the Sun is “A Fertile Garden under the Full Moon”. This brings a sense of fullness, completion and wholeness because you are tuning into the fertile potency within you. It is important to clear functioning to not operated from pride and possessiveness. The Symbol for the Moon is “A Man declared Bankrupt”. This is about being real with yourself about past failures that came as you only focused on yourself and shifting your life so that you include others in the equation.  This gives you an opportunity to start over again and operate responsibly.

On December 12 the New Moon occurred with the Sun and Moon in Sagittarius. This vibrational energy pattern will be influencing us until the next New Moon on January 11, 2024. This vibrational energy is aware of the importance of balancing your needs against the needs of others especially when you are trying to accomplish a goal. Seeking to be aware of and relate to the patterns you see around you will help you work more effectively. The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon is “A Flag that turns into an Eagle that crows”. This is about letting go of established alliances and moving into a new sense of spiritual connections that teaches you to celebrate your unique individuality. It is important to not use your power and influence to push views on others that would not be good for them.

On October 28 the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurred with the Moon in Taurus and the Sun in Scorpio. This vibrational energy pattern will be influencing us until the next Lunar Eclipse on Mar 25, 2024. This vibrational energy brings a deep desire to expand your emotional connections and to learn new and different things. There is an underlying whisper of dreams of beauty and exotic experiences. There may be some tendency to project your dreams into the world and not know what is real and what is not. There is a strong need to participate in a new and different worldview that will at least give the hope of involvement in a creative community. The Sabian Symbol for the Sun is “A Gold Rush” which can represent you going out into the rugged dangerous depths of yourself and seeking to break up the rigid structures within you that are keeping you from connecting into the gold of your true self. The Moon Symbols is “A Bridge being built across a Gorge”. Here is the opportunity to build a bridge that will cross the abyss and connect you to the next level of awareness. This is not something we can do by ourselves, but if you ask for help from spirit, you will receive it.

On October 14, 2023 the New Moon Solar Eclipse occurred with the Sun and Moon in Libra. This vibrational energy will be influencing us until the next Solar Eclipse on April 8, 2024. This vibrational energy is particularly oriented towards involvement in creative groups. There is a desire to explore without an agenda and see what wonders you can find. This involves a passion for learning and applying what you have learned. There is a desire to expand emotionally at a pace you can handle effectively. There is also a need to go out and act and express yourself, make your life happen. The Sabian Symbol for the Eclipse is “A Child giving Birds a Drink at a Fountain”. This is about drawing from the fountain of spiritual nourishment, replenishing yourself and generously sharing with those around you who are not able to obtain it for themselves.

The Retrograde Diary: NO DEGREE CHANGES TODAY >> Turning Forward of Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune: Resolution of Saturn, Pluto {During the apparent retrograde period each planet’s movement relative to the backdrop of the stars slows down, reverses and then turns back around forward again concentrating its vibration in a particular area. There are issues that each planet focuses on during the period leading up to its turn backwards.

These issues are addressed again to be reworked on during the retrograde period [in brackets] then a new understanding of these issues occurs during the post retrograde period. These issues are not from Vibrational Astrology, this is an experiment based on interpretations of the Sabian Symbols that I wrote many years ago. If an entry resonates with you, then claim it, if not, release it, it was for someone else. I would very much like your feedback on this. Points of especially concentrated energy are marked with “!!!”}

Mercury {Nov 25, 2023 !Dec 2! [Dec 13 – !Dec 22! – Jan 1, 2024] !Jan 14! Jan 21} 22 Sagittarius, 0 Capricorn,8 Capricorn  → Dec. 29, 2023 –  Jan. 5, 2024:  (23-22 Sag) Turning Forward:  The Challenge is feeling strange, different and uncomfortable as you’re trying to follow the new rules, new understandings and new patterns of perception, letting go of past patterns and reaching out to embrace the changes you need to make, learning to cease rigidly holding onto old patterns and structures that leave you lost and disoriented and unable to relate or to communicate [Immigrants entering]

Venus clear of any shadow (Oct 9, 2023 – Jan 24, 2025)
Mars clear of any shadow (Mar 17, 2022 – Oct 5, 2024)

Jupiter {Jun 11, 2023 !Jul 9! [Sep 4 – !Nov3! – Dec 30] !Feb 25, 2024! Mar 23, 2024} 5, 10, 15 Taurus  → Dec. 15, 2023 –  Jan. 15, 2024:  (6-5 Tau) Turning Forward:  The Challenge is building a bridge across the abyss to connect with the next level of awareness, learning to cease refusing to do the work to reach out and connect with a greater level of awareness [A bridge being built across a gorge].

Saturn {Mar 11, 2023 !Apr 12! [Jun 17 – !Aug 27! – Nov 4] !Jan 7!, 2024! Feb 7} 0, 3, 7 Pisces → Dec. 16 – 28:  Dec. 28, 2023 –  Jan. 8, 2024:  (3-4 Pis) Resolution:  Remember patiently exploring the limitations to your ability to communicate freely and easily, finding your way through the blockages within, using narrow channels of true expression that you’re building that enable you to move through the blockage, learning to cease frantically bouncing from one limitation to another, not slowing down enough to even recognize the reactive patterns in which you’re trapped [Heavy traffic on a narrow isthmus]

Uranus R {May 12, 2023 !Jun 17! [Aug 28 – !Nov 13! – Jan 27, 2024] !Apr 6! May 13, 2024} 19, 21, 23 Taurus → Dec. 10, 2023 – Mar. 13, 2024:  (20-19 Tau) Turning Forward:  The Challenge is experiencing the movements and fluctuations of energy within you learning where the energy flows freely and where there is damage or blockage that interferes with the energy flow, learning to cease blocking off your awareness of energy patterns within you maintaining a sense of internal rigidity that enables you to ignore your internal issues [Wind clouds and haste]

Neptune {Mar. 9, 2023 !Apr 16! [June 30 – !Sep 19! – Dec. 6] !Feb 16, 2024! Mar. 6} 24, 26, 27 Pisces → Nov. 16 – Dec. 25,2023:  (25-24 Pis) Turning Forward:  The Challenge is getting rid of all that is not truly part of your essence as a deeply spiritually aligned and complete person, while recognizing the truth of other people, seeing who and what they are in the essence of their beings, learning to cease refusing to look at distortions in your values and motives, clinging to rigid positions, deceiving, lying, and misleading those around you and being rejected [The purging of the priesthood]

Pluto {Jan 8, 2023 !Feb 16! [May 1 – !Jul 21! – Oct 10] !Dec 24! Feb 1, 2024} 27, 29 Capricorn, 0 Aquarius → Dec. 19, 2023 –  Jan. 20, 2024:  (29-30 Cap) Resolution:  Remember reaching a level of expertise where you operate from true authority and are participating in and managing the world’s hidden realities, learning to cease failing to claim your true authority as you block yourself off from awareness of the deeper realities around you and within you [A secret business conference]

Next Cycle Diary:
Pluto {Jan 10, 2024 !Feb 17! [May 2 – !Jul 23! – Oct 11] !Dec 25! Feb 2, 2025} 29, 0 Aquarius, 2 Aquarius
Neptune {Mar. 11, 2024 !Apr 18! [July 2 – !Sep 20! – Dec. 7] !Feb 18, 2025! Mar. 28} 27, 28, 29 Pisces
Mercury {Mar 17, 2024 !Mar 22![Apr 1 – !Apr 11! – Apr 24] !May 7! May 11} 15 Aries, 22 Aries, 27 Aries

Saturn {Mar 24, 2024 !Apr 24! [Jun 29 – !Sep 8! – Nov 15] !Jan 18, 2025! Feb 18} 12, 16, 19 Pisces
Uranus {May 16, 2024 !Jun 20! [Sep 1 – !Nov 16! – Jan 30, 2025] !Apr 10! May 17, 2024} 23, 25, 27 Taurus
Jupiter {Jul 15, 2024 !Aug 11! [Oct 9 – !Dec 7! – Feb 4, 2025] !Apr 2! Apr 30} 11, 16, 21 Gemini
Mars {Oct 5, 2024 !Oct 27! [Dec 6 – !Jan 15, 2025! – Feb 24] !Apr 11! May 2, 2025} 17 Cancer, 27 Cancer, 6 Leo

Venus {Jan 28, 2025 !Feb 8! [Mar 2 – !Mar 22! – Apr 13] !May 5! May 16} 24 Pisces, 2 Aries, 10 Aries}

All times are given in Eastern USA time zone.
Linda Berry
*Planetary Pattern Pictures and Sabian Symbol Interpretations, ©Linda Berry, AstroSleuth.org, 1* = 50-100 points, 2* = 100-150 points, etc.