Wednesday March 18, 2020

The Vibrational Astrology Diary
by Linda Berry*

Today, Wednesday (3/18/20), the strongest vibrational influence comes from the Moon joining with Mars and Jupiter (4*). This vibration is acting on your emotional feelings in a big way.  There is all kinds of potential here as this vibration is resonating through many spheres of activity.  It can be creative, it can be introspective and introverted, it can work to better the community, it can be restless and inspired, and it can bring you very special insights into what you want and need to express.  Pick what is most important to you and focus on that, think about what you would most like to increase in your life and put your energy there.  You get to take advantage of this energy, all you have to do is direct it so it will do the most good in your life.

The Sabian Symbols of our Featured Planets
Today the theme is about evaluating what you can accomplish and the things that you have failed to accomplish and regrouping and going forward.  You will receive recognition for your work and the struggle towards your goal despite all obstacles and defeats.

22 Capricorn = Moon, Mars
A general accepting defeat gracefully
You are gracefully accepting that you have been defeated in your attempts to reach your goal, learning the lessons of your experiences, revising your goals appropriately, transforming setbacks into accomplishments and/or you are focusing on your losses and limitations, taking your losses as a reflection of your lack of worth and ability, and surrendering when you could have prevailed or refusing to acknowledge any limitations or issues of your own and turning a minor defeat into a major disaster
23 Capricorn = Moon, Jupiter
Two awards for bravery in war
You are receiving recognition for having continued to work and struggle towards your goal despite all obstacles and defeats and/or you are strutting around seeking praise and acknowledgement for your actions, overvaluing yourself, seeking to manipulate others in order to gain rewards that you may not deserve

The AstroFrequency(s) for the day (strongest listed first)
{These are modes of operation that are especially available for you to tap into today}
1 (11*) Doing things your own way, evaluating the ideas of others and only changing if you agree with them.
2 (4*) Sharing or conflicting with others

The Dancing Two-Planet Diary
{When 2 planets interact it influences the way we want to express ourselves, our attitudes, moods, and impulses.  Becoming aware of these vibrations helps us to guide these aspects of ourselves with awareness rather than being controlled by them.  There are longer patterns which tend to have more impact because we feel them for several days in a row and there are quick Moon patterns that impact our moods and feelings for a window of couple of hours either side of the time given.  The longer patterns are stronger and so are listed first, followed by the Moods of the Moon}

Mar 18 – Mar 20 (exact Mar 19) the Sun in Pisces is sharing freely (sextile) with Saturn in Capricorn. This vibe begins to influence us around 6 PM and is increasing in influence until it peaks at 7:50 PM on March 19 then decreasing fading out around 10 PM on March 20.

Mar 18 – Mar 21 (exact Mar 20) Mars in Capricorn is joining with Jupiter in Capricorn. This vibe begins to influence us around Noon and is increasing in influence until it peaks at 7:35 AM on March 20 then decreasing fading out around 3 AM on March 22.

The Moods of the Moon
{Remember that the quick Moon patterns impact our moods and feelings for a window of a
couple of hours either side of their peak time.}

Starting at 2:32 AM, peaking at 4:32 AM, the Moon in Capricorn is joining with Mars in Capricorn. This 4 hr period brings a lot of energy that needs to be used.  Take a walk, play sports, exercise.  Do something constructive with the excess energy.
Starting at 4:47 AM, peaking at 6:47 AM, the Moon in Capricorn is joining with Jupiter in Capricorn. This 4 hr period is expansive and optimistic.  This is a good time for social sharing.
Starting at 8:53 AM, peaking at 10:53 AM, the Moon in Capricorn is joining with Pluto in Capricorn. This 4 hr period is very intense and digs down inside you to bring awareness of old patterns that are interfering with the way you respond to people in the here and now.
Starting at 4:57 PM, peaking at 6:57 PM, the Moon in Capricorn is sharing freely (sextile) with the Sun in Pisces. This 4 hr period shows a state of emotional balance and effective functioning.
Starting at 6:48 PM, peaking at 8:48 PM, the Moon in Capricorn is joining with Saturn in Capricorn. This 4 hr period brings a sense of responsibility and of the importance of taking actions that matter for the future.

At 9:16 PM the Moon enters Aquarius and becomes focused for the next 2 ½ days on participating in group processes.  We are all a part of many groups including our family, our friends, our community, our country and our world.  The Moon in Aquarius finds satisfaction in being a part of its groups and contributing to the functioning and well being of those groups

The Cyclic Patterns Diary
{These are patterns that continue over an extended period of time and you may find that rereading this periodically will help you effectively handle what we are all experiencing as our “astral weather” in this time period.}

On March 16 the Third Quarter Moon occurred with the Moon in Sagittarius and the Sun in Pisces.  This vibration pattern will be influencing us for the next week until the New Moon on March 24.  This vibe calls us into contact with our soul and what is truly meaningful to us.  There is a need to step back and sense within yourself what is really going on and how you are operating vs. how those around you are operating.  You may find yourself analyzing different patterns and seeing how you can be more effective as you realize what other people do effectively.  The Sabian Symbol for the Sun is “A harvest Moon”.  This is about celebrating what you have developed within yourself and recognizing your responsibility to make your wisdom available for the future.  The Symbol for the Moon is “A sculptor” which has you cutting away that which doesn’t belong so that you can reveal and celebrate the true essence within you.

On March 9, the Full Moon occurred with the Moon in Virgo opposing the Sun in Pisces. This vibration pattern will be influencing us for the next two weeks until the New Moon on March 24.  This Full Moon is especially focused on working for and realizing our dreams. There is a strong need to experience our dreams right now.  The Sabian Symbol for the Sun is “A table set for an evening meal”  This reminds us of the importance of living our lives in a state of gratitude for what we have received and recognizing that what we need can flow to us from the abundance of life.  The Moon Symbols is “An automobile caravan” which brings a recognition that we are in this together and that what I do affects you and what you do affects me.  It is important in this process to always maintain a sense of your individual center and to be sure that you are genuinely expressing who you are.

On February 23, the Moon and Sun joined together for the New Moon in Pisces. This vibration will be affecting us until the next New Moon on March 24.  This New Moon is especially oriented toward a sense of something special that you can share with others.  There is a push for controlled growth that is based on a solid foundation. The Sabian Symbol for the Sun and Moon is “A Church Bazaar” which focuses on working together to provide the resources we all need to make our lives work well, each making available what they can let go of sharing it with others.  There is a recognition here of your worth and value and the value of all those around you.

This Eclipse Season was from December 26 through January 10.  This vibrational pattern will be in effect until June 5, 2020. This is about mobilizing the resources of yourself and your group to stand up for your principles and being willing to deal with or use focused assertive/aggressive energy if necessary to reach your goal.  There is a warning that if you engage in threats and arguments and bickering, it will keep you from reaching your goals. There is a strong emphasis on mental evaluation and analysis of the long-term consequences of the actions we are taking right now. Remember that it is important to ally yourself with others in order to accomplish our goals.  That you will likely be defeated it you refuse to work with other people being unable to trust anything beyond yourself. It is important to operate on a positive level involves unselfconsciously displaying yourself expressing your gifts with humility and delight.  The challenge is to not come from a place of entitlement and self inflation.

The Winter Solstice was on December 21 as the Sun entered Capricorn.  This is the shortest day and longest night of the year as the Sun turns in its orbit to start increasing its light shining upon us. This winter season brings a great potential for creativity and sensitivity.  There is also a sense of restlessness and dissatisfaction with what is happening in your life and around you.  The challenge is to use your creativity to make your world and your life better. You are encouraged this winter to open up to your ties to the universal awareness that is at the heart of all things and experience an exaltation and consummation that transcends ambition letting of your focus on yourself that brings a tendency to overestimate your personal powers and abilities resulting in damage to yourself. For the winter there is a focus on the Sabian Symbol “Dental Work” which can help you to return your structure to its proper functional form as you rebuild your internal pattern.

The Retrograde Diary: Check out changes today: Mercury
Introductory Contact for Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune: Turning Backward of Pluto: Final Resolution of Mercury, Uranus
{During the apparent retrograde period each planet’s movement relative to the backdrop of the stars slows down, reverses and then turns back around forward again concentrating its vibration in a particular area. There are issues that each planet focuses on during the period leading up to its turn backwards.  These issues are addressed again to be reworked on during the retrograde period [in brackets] then a new understanding of these issues occurs during the post retrograde period.  These issues are not from Vibrational Astrology, this is an experiment based on interpretations of the Sabian Symbols that I wrote many years ago.  If an entry resonates with you, then claim it, if not, release it, it was for someone else.  I would very much like your feedback on this.}

!!!Mercury {Feb 2, 2020 [Feb 16 – !Feb 25! – Mar 9] Mar 30} 28 Aquarius – 12 Pisces
Mar. 17 – 19:  (1-2 Pis) Resolution:  Remember to sense that there are difficult patterns within you that you do not know how to handle, protecting yourself from these patterns while you develop the strength and support system needed to face these potentially destructive patterns, learning to cease being so threatened by the issues within you that you feel unable to function frozen in the dark unwilling to accept any help or support [A squirrel hiding from hunters]

Jupiter {Feb 18, 2020 [May 14 – !Jul 14! – Sep 12] Dec 6, 2021} 17 – 27 Capricorn
Mar. 15 – 21:  (22-23 Cap) Introductory:  Are you able to receive recognition for having continued to work and struggle towards your goal despite all obstacles and defeats, learning to cease strutting around seeking praise and acknowledgement for your actions, overvaluing yourself, seeking to manipulate others in order to gain rewards that you may not deserve [Two awards for bravery in war]

Saturn {Feb 3, 2020 [May 11 – !Jul 20! – Sep 18] Jan 3, 2021} 25 Capricorn – 1 Aquarius
Mar. 9 – 22:  (29-30 Cap) Introductory:  Are you able reaching a level of expertise where you operate from true authority and are participating in and managing the hidden realities of the world, learning to cease failing to claim your true authority as you block yourself off from awareness of the deeper realities around you [A secret business conference]

Uranus {Apr. 25, 2019 [Aug. 11 – !Oct 28! – Jan. 10, 2020] Apr. 26, 2020} 2 – 6 Taurus
Mar. 8 – 28:  (4-5 Tau) Resolution:  Remember to recognize that there is a greater life that you live that transcends this realm of time and space, where you remain connected even beyond death and that you can embrace both this realm and that greater life, learning to cease being caught up in a raw sense of loss and grief that is blocking your awareness of the oneness and harmony of the spiritual realm [A widow at an open grave]

Neptune {Mar. 2, 2020 [June 22 – !Sep 11! – Nov. 28] Mar. 19, 2021} 18 – 21 Pisces
Feb. 26 – Mar. 24:  (18-19 Pis) Introductory:  Remember to participate in the transfer of higher knowledge and wisdom, recognizing that the knowledge needs to be separated from the person who is providing it, learning to cease claiming superior status and privileges based on your position and dogmatically insisting on your superior authority and achievements [A master instructing his pupil]

Pluto {Jan 2, 2020 [Apr. 25 – !Jul 15! – Oct 4] Jan. 25, 2021} 22 – 24 Capricorn
Feb. 20 – July 4:  (24-25 Cap) Turning Back:  The Issue is to display genuine, precious, beautiful, and useful products and gifts, offering them to others at a fair price, learning to cease misrepresenting the value and significance of your products and gifts seeking to gain an advantage or take advantage of others [An oriental-rug dealer]

Next Cycle:
Mercury {Jun 2, 2020 [Jun 18 – !Jun 30! – Jul 12] Jul 26} 5 – 14 Cancer
Venus {Apr 8, 2020 [May 13 – !Jun 3! – Jun 25] Jul 29, 2020} 5 – 21 Gemini
Mars {Jul 25, 2020 [Sept 20 – !Oct 13! – Nov 13] Jan 3, 2021} 15 – 28 Aries
Jupiter {Feb 18, 2020 [May 14 – !Jul 14! – Sep 12] Dec 6, 2021} 17 – 27 Capricorn
Saturn {Feb 3, 2020 [May 11 – !Jul 20! – Sep 18] Jan 3, 2021} 25 Capricorn – 1 Aquarius
Uranus {Apr. 28, 2020 [Aug 15 – !Oct 31! – Jan 14, 2021] May 1, 2021} 6 – 10 Taurus
Neptune {Mar. 2, 2020 [June 22 – !Sep 11! – Nov. 28] Mar. 19, 2020} 15 – 18 Pisces
Pluto {Jan 4, 2021 [Apr. 27 – !Jul 18! – Oct 6] Jan. 27, 2022} 24 – 26 Capricorn

All times are given in Eastern USA time zone.
Linda Berry

*Sabian Symbol Interpretations, Pictures, and Interpretations ©Linda Berry,