Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Vibrational Astrology Diary
by Linda Berry
Today, Wednesday (11/27/19), the strongest vibrational influence comes from the Sun joining with Saturn and Uranus (1*). This vibrational pattern involves an expression of a lot of sensitivity towards others and an interest in and sensing of the stories of people’s lives.  There is a strong need to feel that you are free to do what you feel like doing, whatever seems right to you in the moment.  At the same time there is a need to be responsible to others.  The combination of these two needs focused at the same time can create mental stress.  Seek to be aware of and to express the truth in a way that is sensitive to what others are feeling.  This energy was in the mind yesterday and today it is more out in the open in the way you actually relate to other people

The AstroFrequency(s) for the day (strongest listed first)
{These are modes of operation that are especially available for you to tap into today}         
23 (1*) Focusing on one’s unique orientation to life and expressing that whatever the risks
17 (1*) Empathic participation in the experiences of others experiencing their stories

The Dancing Two-Planet Diary
{When 2 planets interact it influences the way we want to express ourselves, our attitudes, moods, and impulses.  Becoming aware of these vibrations helps us to guide these aspects of ourselves with awareness rather than being controlled by them.  There are longer patterns which tend to have more impact because we feel them for several days in a row and there are quick Moon patterns that impact our moods and feelings for a window of couple of hours either side of the time given.  The longer patterns are stronger and so are listed first, followed by the Moods of the Moon}

Nov 27 – Nov 29 (exact Nov 28) Mercury in Scorpio is flowing freely (trine) with Neptune in Pisces. This vibe begins to influence us around 5 AM and is increasing in influence until it peaks at 4:51 AM on November 28 then decreasing fading out around 4 AM on November 29. This vibration is about tuning into your dreams and having possible opportunities to work to bring them to life.
Nov 27 – Nov 29 (exact Nov 28) Venus in Capricorn is flowing freely (trine) with Uranus in Taurus. This vibe begins to influence us around 5 PM and is increasing in influence until it peaks at 1:27 PM on November 28 then decreasing fading out around 8 AM on November 29. This vibration is about sudden attraction to beauty or impulses that have you saying how you feel even when you would normally keep quiet.

The Moods of the Moon
{Remember that the quick Moon patterns impact our moods and feelings for a window of a couple of hours either side of their peak time.}

Starting at 4:37 AM, peaking at 6:37 AM, the Moon in Sagittarius is acting and agitating (square) with Neptune in Pisces. This 4 hr period is about acting to bring your dreams to life.  You are possibly more prone to irritation than usual with things that you don’t like.
The Cyclic Patterns Diary
{These are patterns that continue over an extended period of time and you may find that rereading this periodically will help you effectively handle what we are all experiencing as our “astral weather” in this time period.}

The New Moon was on November 26 with the Moon in Sagittarius joining with the Sun in Sagittarius. This vibration will be influencing us until the next New Moon on December 26. The New Moon is involved in deep analysis of patterns seeking to figure out what works best and to join together to express the resulting pattern.  There is a recognition that individual expression must be tempered with responsibility for the effect your behaviors have on others.  The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon is “An old owl up in a tree” which helps us to see the big picture being able to penetrate beyond the darkness around us helping us to tap into a wisdom beyond us.  This is not a good time to close down and refuse to listen to any input from others.
The Fall Equinox occurred on September 23.  This is when the Sun enters Libra and the days and nights are of equal length.  This pattern influences us for 3 months until the Winter Solstice on December 21.  The Fall is likely to be a time of analysis and evaluation with the truth and long term reality of your experiences being tested.  You may well see or hear of things that are dishonest or deceptive and you will clearly recognize them or have someone reveal to you the deceptions that have happened.  You are strongly oriented towards understanding the true things that have been happening and eliminating anything else. The Sabian Symbol that helps us deal with all this is “A man before a square with a manuscript scroll before him”.  This is about seeing a pattern in front of you that you seek to understand.  Open your intuition, look at the history and the past patterns that lead up to the present.  It is important to see the long term patterns and to consult older sources of information to see the deeper truth that is currently being revealed.
This Eclipse Cycle began on July 2 and lasts until December 26.  This period is about evaluation and consideration of the meaning of your life and your actions and how you want the rest of your life to go. There is a calling for you to open up to a greater awareness and learn to assume responsibility for using that awareness wisely with humility while operating fairly and being real and genuine. This is done by stepping back and getting the objectivity that will enable you to move more effectively towards your dreams recognizing that sometimes the reactions of others to you come from their problems and issues rather than from your actions.  This is about acting from your true self rather than using a façade to cover up who you really are.

The Retrograde Diary: Check out changes today:    DEGREE CHANGES: Mercury
Reworking Patterns of Uranus: Turning Forward of Neptune: Final Resolution of Mercury, Saturn, Pluto
{During the apparent retrograde period each planet’s movement relative to the backdrop of the stars slows down, reverses and then turns back around forward again concentrating its vibration in a particular area. There are issues that each planet focuses on during the period leading up to its turn backwards.  These issues are addressed again to be reworked on during the retrograde period [in brackets] then a new understanding of these issues occurs during the post retrograde period.  These issues are not from Vibrational Astrology, this is an experiment based on interpretations of the Sabian Symbols that I wrote many years ago.  If an entry resonates with you, then claim it, if not, release it, it was for someone else.  I would very much like your feedback on this.}
!!!Mercury {Oct 12, 2019 [Oct 31 – !Nov 11! – Nov 20] Dec 7} 11 – 27 Scorpio
Nov. 27 – 28:  (15-16 Sco) Resolution:  Remember to openly welcome an integration of the many aspects of yourself, recognizing and opening up to a resulting awesome sense of wholeness that reaches out and includes others, learning to cease pretending to be happy for the sake of others while hiding your true feelings, not being able to accept the needs and desires within you  [A girl’s face breaking into a smile]
Saturn {Jan 22, 2019 [Apr 29 – !Jul 9! – Sep 18] Dec 24} 13 – 20 Capricorn
Nov. 20 – Dec. 1:  (17-18 Cap) Resolution:  Remember to recognize that protection must be based on respect for those protected, rather than as a means for controlling others and forcing them into your mold and your values, learning to cease using insecurity and fear and the need for protection as a way of controlling others and having to deal with the resulting rebellions [The Union Jack]
Uranus Rx {Apr. 25, 2019 [Aug. 11 – !Oct 28! – Jan. 10, 2020] Apr. 26, 2020} 2 – 6  Taurus
Nov. 12 – Dec. 13, 2019:  (4-3 Tau) Reworking:  Working on being able to open up, reaching out to embrace the spiritual vision that calls you; following the path of greater awareness, learning to cease allowing personal addictions and self-centered preoccupation to close you off to connection with a greater awareness [The rainbow’s pot of gold]
Neptune Rx {Mar. 1, 2019 [June 21 – !Sep 10! – Nov. 27] Mar. 17, 2020} 15 – 18 Pisces
Nov. 11 – Dec. 13, 2019:  (16-15 Pis) Turning Forward:  The Challenge is to connect into the flow of spiritual inspiration within yourself, being flexible and open to that which you have not previously known or experienced, learning to cease closing up and being caught in a cycle of negativity that limits your perceptions and shuts you off from others [The flow of inspiration]
Pluto {Jan 1, 2019 [Apr. 24 – !Jun 14! – Oct 2] Jan. 23, 2020} 20 – 23 Capricorn
Nov. 10 – Dec. 19, 2019:  (21-22 Cap) Resolution:  Remember to gracefully accept that you have been defeated in your attempts to reach your goal, learning the lessons of your experiences, revising your goals appropriately, transforming setbacks into accomplishments, learning to cease focusing on your losses and limitations, taking your losses as a reflection of your lack of worth and ability, and surrendering when you could have prevailed or refusing to acknowledge any limitations or issues of your own and turning a minor defeat into a major disaster [A general accepting defeat gracefully]
Next Cycle:
Mercury {Feb 2, 2020 [Feb 16 – !Feb 25! – Mar 9] Mar 30} 28 Aquarius – 12 Pisces
Venus {Apr 8, 2020 [May 13 – !Jun 3! – Jun 25] Jul 29, 2020} 5 – 21 Gemini
Mars {Jul 25, 2020 [Sept 20 – !Oct 13! – Nov 13] Jan 3, 2021} 15 – 28 Aries
Jupiter {Feb 18, 2020 [May 14 – !Jul 14! – Sep 12] Dec 6, 2021} 17 – 27 Capricorn
Saturn {Feb 3, 2020 [May 11 – !Jul 20! – Sep 18] Jan 3, 2021} 25 Capricorn – 1 Aquarius
Uranus {Apr. 28, 2020 [Aug 15 – !Oct 31! – Jan 14, 2021] May 1, 2021} 6 – 10 Taurus 
Neptune {Mar. 2, 2020 [June 22 – !Sep 11! – Nov. 28] Mar. 19, 2020} 15 – 18 Pisces
Pluto {Jan 4, 2020 [Apr. 25 – !Jul 15! – Oct 4] Jan. 25, 2021} 22 – 24 Capricorn

All times are given in Eastern USA time zone.

Linda Berry