The Vibrational Astrology Diary
by Linda Berry*
At 1:22 AM, the Full Moon occurs with the Sun in Virgo and the Moon in Pisces.
Today, Wednesday (9/2/20), the strongest vibrational influence comes from the Sun and Venus joining with Saturn (2*). This vibration has a deep need for sharing beauty with others and acting in appropriate ways based on a sense of beauty. There is a process here of testing and evaluating the patterns and behaviors around you to see which meet the criteria of being based on love and beauty in your interactions and the interactions of those around you. This is combined with a Mars, Neptune, Pluto vibration (1*) that is doing in depth evaluation of the actions we are all taking and figuring out the long term consequences of our behaviors. This testing the long term significance is the criteria by which behaviors are embraced or eliminated from our lives.
The Sabian Symbols of our Featured Planets: Sun, Venus, Saturn
The uplifting message from the featured planet positions that shows the way through: You are sharing knowledge with others engaging in rigorous reevaluation of everything searching for greater meaning. You are receiving recognition for having continued to work and struggle towards your goal despite all obstacles and defeats. You are retreating to a place of quiet and reflection where you can open up to and explore the new awarenesses and connections within yourself, gaining insight from the books and people available to you in this retreat setting. You are experiencing an exceptional level of sensitiveness to subtle energies as you spontaneously open to delight and wonder, allowing you to make better contact with both the spiritual and elemental realms.
The most dysfunctional expression of this message:
You are being confused and split into pieces by the differences that you perceive as you see both sides of an issue and yet refuse to accept the paradoxes involved in forming an integrated pattern . You are operating from a sense of personal superiority and divine right; potentially abusing your power. You are getting caught up in conforming to the expectations of others and of society and not having a sense of what you want to be and who you are. You are feeling repressed and inhibited by the expectations within and around you, not sharing yourself authentically, and feeling left out and isolated. You are being so lighthearted and irresponsible that you don’t take anything seriously or being so bogged down in work that you don’t get any form of release
10 Virgo = Sun (with Venus) |
Two heads looking out and beyond the shadows |
You are looking at all sides of the issue reaching beyond the shadows of illusion and appearance into the true and sometimes conflicting motives and patterns in operation and/or you are being confused and split into pieces by the differences that you perceive as you see both sides of an issue and yet refuse to accept the paradoxes involved in forming an integrated pattern |
25 Cancer = Venus (with Sun) |
A dark shadow or mantle thrown suddenly over the right shoulder |
You are being overshadowed by a greater authority calling on you to transcend logical rationalization, open to spiritual power and learn to assume responsibility for using the power given to you wisely with humility and/or you are operating from a sense of personal superiority and divine right; potentially abusing your power |
11 Virgo Sun (with Saturn) |
A boy molded in his mother’s aspiration for him |
You are realizing the ways in which you have been influenced or molded by others and freeing yourself from expectations that do not fit with who you truly are and/or you are getting caught up in conforming to the expectations of others and of society and not having a sense of what you want to be and who you are |
26 Cancer = Venus (with Saturn) |
Contentment and happiness in luxury, people reading on davenports |
You are retreating to a place of quiet and reflection where you can open up to and explore the new awarenesses and connections within yourself, gaining insight from the books and people available to you in this retreat setting and/or you are feeling repressed and inhibited by the expectations within and around you, not sharing yourself authentically, and feeling left out and isolated |
26 Capricorn = Saturn |
A water sprite |
You are experiencing an exceptional level of sensitiveness to subtle energies as you spontaneously open to delight and wonder, allowing you to make better contact with both the spiritual and elemental realms and/or you are being so lighthearted and irresponsible that you don’t take anything seriously or being so bogged down in work that you don’t get any form of release |
The AstroFrequency(s) for the day (strongest listed first)
19 (4*) Mentally focused and objective analysis of patterns, philosophies and cultures to find and act on effective ways of functioning
24 (2*) Harmonious or free flowing action to manifest something or make something happen
8 (2*) Acting to make something real in the world, manifestation
The Dancing Two-Planet Diary
{When 2 planets interact it influences the way we want to express ourselves, our attitudes, moods, and impulses. Becoming aware of these vibrations helps us to guide these aspects of ourselves with awareness rather than being controlled by them. There are longer patterns which tend to have more impact because we feel them for several days in a row and there are quick Moon patterns that impact our moods and feelings for a window of couple of hours either side of the time given. The longer patterns are stronger and so are listed first, followed by the Moods of the Moon}
Sep 2 – Sep 6 (exact Sep 4) Mercury in Virgo is sharing freely (sextile) with Venus in Cancer. This vibe begins to influence us around 11 PM and is increasing in influence until it peaks at 4:32 PM on September 4 then decreasing fading out around 2 PM on September 6. This vibration is about appreciating the written word, especially well written beautiful prose and poetry. This is a great time to read a special book.
Sep 2 – Sep 3 (exact Sep 3) Mercury in Virgo is flowing freely (trine) with Saturn in Capricorn. This vibe begins to influence us around 2 PM and is increasing in influence until it peaks at 3:22 PM on September 3 then decreasing fading out around 5 PM on September 3. This vibration is analytical and research oriented. You may get some very important awarenesses under this vibration.
Sep 1 – Sep 3 (exact Sep 2) the Sun in Virgo is flowing freely (trine) with Uranus in Taurus. This vibe is increasing in influence until it peaks at 10:09 AM then decreasing fading out around 10 AM on September 3. This vibration is spontaneous and impulsive and looking for a good time. It does what it feels like with joy and humor.
Sep 1 – Sep 3 (exact Sep 2) Venus in Cancer is opposing Saturn in Capricorn. This vibe is increasing in influence until it peaks at 8:17 AM then decreasing fading out around 6 AM on September 3. This vibe is seeking to relate to others in beauty and sincerity. It values the beauty that lasts for the ages rather than for just a few years
The Moods of the Moon
{Remember that the quick Moon patterns impact our moods and feelings for a window of a
couple of hours either side of their peak time.}
At 1:22 AM on September 2, the Moon in Pisces is opposing the Sun in Virgo.
This is the Full Moon, See the Cyclic Patterns Diary.
Starting at 12:04 AM, peaking at 2:04 AM, the Moon in Pisces is sharing freely (sextile) with Uranus in Taurus. This 4 hr period is spontaneous and impulsive wanting to do what it feels like right now.
Starting at 1:47 PM, peaking at 3:47 PM, the Moon in Pisces is sharing freely (sextile) with Jupiter in Capricorn. This 4 hr period is exuberant and enthusiastic. This is a good vibration for social interactions.
Starting at 6:09 PM, peaking at 8:09 PM, the Moon in Pisces is joining with Neptune in Pisces. This 4 hr period is dwelling you your dreams and imagining the life you would like to have rather than dealing with the realities of the life you do have.
Starting at 11:55 PM, peaking at 1:55 AM tomorrow Sept. 3, the Moon in Pisces is sharing freely (sextile) with Pluto in Capricorn. This 4 hr period is about deep patterns stuck with in us that may influence our current reactions to people and events around us. This is an opportunity to see those patterns more clearly and be able to address them.
The Cyclic Patterns Diary
{These are patterns that continue over an extended period of time and you may find that rereading this periodically will help you effectively handle what we are all experiencing as our “astral weather” in this time period.}
At 1:22 AM, the Full Moon occurs with the Sun in Virgo and the Moon in Pisces. This Vibrational Pattern will be influencing us until the next New Moon on September 17. This vibration brings truth and action being taken on that truth. There is a new awareness being birthed at this time born of a fuller understanding of the patterns around us. The Sabian Symbol for the Sun is “A boy molded in his mother’s aspiration for him” which is about becoming aware of the influencing that are shaping you and freeing yourself from expectations that do not really fit who you are. The Moon Symbols is “Men seeking illumination”, which is about going through the darkness moving towards the light as you gradually clear your blockages, release your ego and experience the transformation that follows.
On August 18, the New Moon occurred with the Sun and the Moon in Cancer. This
Vibrational pattern will be influencing us until the next New Moon on September 17.
This vibration is about really thinking and evaluating what is going on inside you and around you. There is the potential here for a deep analysis that will recognize what things need to be laid aside in order for a rebirth or transformation to occur. If we move beyond our egos into a more universal spiritually based understanding then we will know what to do. The Sabian Symbol for both the Sun and the Moon is “Daybreak”. This is about experiencing the light of the divine beginning to shine through you, showing your true potential, replacing your ego as the source of yourself. This happens as you open your intuition and clearly see the pattern within you and around you.
The Eclipse Season was from June 4 through July 5 and the patterns of this season will be in effect at least until the next Eclipse Season starts on November 30. The Eclipses begin by helping us to recognize that there is something special within each of us and that it is important for each of us to communicate our ideas clearly recognizing that there is a give and take to life as we share with each other. It then reminded us that we need to be adaptable and realize that we are being called to a new orientation to life. Each of us need to face our self-centeredness and reorganize ourselves to more effectively respond to the demands of ourselves and our world. We need to develop a bigger focus that encompasses all of the universe recognizing that we are part of something bigger than ourselves while at the same time being open to ancient truths that may contain wisdom that will help us to be more aware and more effective.
The Sun entered Cancer on June 20. This is the Summer Solstice, one of the 4 seasonal turning points for the year. This will be influencing us for 3 months until the Fall Equinox on September 22. This vibration is about working things through in your mind and then acting on what you figure out. The Sabian Symbol for the Moon is “Winter Frost in the Woods”. This is about each of us having all the excess trimmed away so that we can connect in with the bare essential structure within us and connect in with our innate strength. You deal with feelings of fear and loss by connecting into the core of yourself, the spiritual center of your being. This leads to you opening yourself up to the wonder and mystery of life and developing a greater awareness of your connection with others.
The Retrograde Diary: No DEGREE CHANGES today
Introductory Contact for Mars: Turning Backward of Uranus: Reworking Patterns of Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, Turning Forward of Jupiter.
{During the apparent retrograde period each planet’s movement relative to the backdrop of the stars slows down, reverses and then turns back around forward again concentrating its vibration in a particular area. There are issues that each planet focuses on during the period leading up to its turn backwards. These issues are addressed again to be reworked on during the retrograde period [in brackets] then a new understanding of these issues occurs during the post retrograde period. These issues are not from Vibrational Astrology, this is an experiment based on interpretations of the Sabian Symbols that I wrote many years ago. If an entry resonates with you, then claim it, if not, release it, it was for someone else. I would very much like your feedback on this.}
Mars {Jul 25, 2020 [Sept 9 – !Oct 13! – Nov 13] Jan 3, 2021} 15 – 28 Aries
Aug. 28 – Sept. 5: (27-28 Ari) Introductory: Are you able to be confronted with the results of your lack of awareness, personal preoccupation and blindness that have disappointed and hurt others and facing your failings; engaging in the self-evaluation that will enable you to grow and change, learning to cease holding onto !!!old ego patterns, only seeing your viewpoint; becoming angry with others for not going along with your personal preoccupations and agenda [A large disappointed audience]
Jupiter Rx {Feb 18, 2020 [May 14 – !Jul 14! – Sep 13] Dec 6, 2020} 17 – 27 Capricorn
Aug. 24 – Oct. 2: (18-17 Cap) Turning Forward: The Challenge is to recognize that protection must be based on respect for those protected, rather than as a means for controlling others and forcing them into your mold and your values, learning to cease using insecurity and fear and the need for protection as a way of controlling others and having to deal with the resulting rebellions [The Union Jack]
Saturn Rx {Feb 3, 2020 [May 11 – !Jul 20! – Sep 18] Jan 3, 2021} 25 Capricorn – 1 Aquarius
Aug. 31 – Oct. 27: (26-25 Cap) Turning Forward: The Challenge is to experience an exceptional level of sensitiveness to subtle energies as you spontaneously open to delight and wonder, allowing you to make better contact with both the spiritual and elemental realms, learning to cease being so lighthearted and irresponsible that you don’t take anything seriously or being so bogged down in work that you don’t get any form of release [A water sprite]
Uranus Rx {Apr. 28, 2020 [Aug 15 – !Oct 31! – Jan 14, 2021] May 1, 2021} 6 – 10 Taurus
July 4 – Sept. 26: (10-11 Tau) Turning Back: The Issue is to open to a nourishing mist of water bringing the blessings of the divine to you right now, attuning yourself to its loving care, learning to cease focusing on what you lack which keeps the blessings you could receive from flowing into you [A woman sprinkling flowers]
Neptune Rx {Mar. 2, 2020 [June 22 – !Sep 11! – Nov. 28] Mar. 19, 2021} 18 – 21 Pisces
Aug. 25 – Oct. 2, 2020: (20-19 Pis) Reworking: Working on being able to prepare yourself by opening up in gratitude, giving thanks for what you have and trusting that you will receive whatever you need from the abundance of life, learning to cease constantly demanding and devouring everything around you, arguing, overindulging and not appreciating what you have received [A table set for an evening meal]
Pluto Rx {Jan 2, 2020 [Apr. 25 – !Jul 15! – Oct 4] Jan. 25, 2021} 22 – 24 Capricorn
Aug. 17 – Nov. 19: (23-22 Cap) Turning Forward: The Challenge is to receive recognition for having continued to work and struggle towards your goal despite all obstacles and defeats, learning to cease strutting around seeking praise and acknowledgement for your actions, overvaluing yourself, seeking to manipulate others in order to gain rewards that you may not deserve [Two awards for bravery in war]
Next Cycle Diary:
Mercury {Sep 23, 2020 !Sep 29! [Oct 14 – !Oct 25! – Nov 3] !Nov 13! Nov 19} 25 Libra, 2, 11 Scorpio
Venus {Nov 17, 2021 !Nov28! [Dec 19 – !Jan 8! – Jan 29, 2022] !Feb 19! Mar 2} 11, 18, 26 Capricorn
Mars {Sep 3, 2022 !Sep 20! [Oct 30 – !Dec 8! – Jan 12] !Feb 21! Mar 16, 2023} 8, 16, 25 Gemini
Jupiter {Mar 27, 2021 !Apr 3! [Jun 20 – !Aug 19! – Oct 18] !Dec 13! Jan 9, 2022} 22, 27 Aquarius, 2 Pisces
Saturn {Feb 14, 2021 !Mar 18! [May 23 – !Aug 2! – Oct 11] !Dec 13! Jan 14, 2022} 6, 10, 13 Aquarius
Uranus {May 3, 2021 [Aug 19 – !Nov 4! – Jan 18, 2022] May 5, 2022} 10 – 14 Taurus
Neptune {Mar. 4, 2021 [June 25 – !Sep 14! – Dec. 2] Mar. 22, 2022} 20 – 23 Pisces
Pluto {Jan 4, 2021 [Apr. 27 – !Jul 18! – Oct 6] Jan. 27, 2022} 24 – 26 Capricorn
All times are given in Eastern USA time zone.
Linda Berry
*Sabian Symbol Interpretations, Pictures, and Interpretations ©Linda Berry,