Sunday, Jan. 29, 2023

The Vibrational Astrology Diary
by Linda Berry*

For the last five days and today, Sunday (01/29/2023), the strongest vibrational influence comes from Jupiter joining with Saturn and Uranus (1*). Today’s vibration is a continuation of the last five days and is about expanding the ways that you express your unique and individualistic way of relating to the world. The challenge here is to be true to yourself and interact with community at the same time. You may find that you are more focused than usual on how others are operating and be able to gain new insights as a result of your interaction with those around you. There is a sense here of expansion at a reasonable pace, leading you to a greater sense of what your unique response in each given situation may be. There is a big need to be free to express oneself in whatever way feels right in the moment. At the same time there is a big concern for operating in ways that have long term meaning and significance. The challenge is to find a balance where you can be guided by the deeper significance of actions taken while leaving yourself free to respond spontaneously in the moment. (For VA Students: 9, 18, 27)

The AstroFrequency(s) for the day (strongest listed first)

9 (4*) Your desired community

15 (4*) Free-flowing Play and Creative exploration

The Sabian Symbols of our Featured Planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus >>> The uplifting message from the featured planet positions that shows the way through: You are claiming the authority of your position and accepting responsibility to act in ways that benefit all. You are evaluating yours and other people’s emotional dependability and emotional health and responding appropriately. You are seeing and experiencing the wholeness that lies behind the polarized realm of time and space recognizing the everything is a manifestation of the one Spirit that is All That Is. You are forming a working pattern for dealing with the world that enables you to function while you continue to learn about yourself and work on your deeper issues. You are embracing the whole of life with a love that transcends personal self-interest. The more dysfunctional expression of this message: You are focusing on a sense of privilege, power and personal aggrandizement. You are refusing to evaluate emotional patterns, expressing your emotions irresponsibly and getting caught up in the emotional instability of those around you. You are continuing to be caught up in the illusion of many separate and distinct forms. You are pretending that you have everything together and refusing to even consider that there might be something you need to deal with deep within you. You are sitting on the fence, refusing to make a commitment.

11 Aries = Jupiter is interacting with Saturn [The president of the country] You are claiming the authority of your position and accepting responsibility to act in ways that benefit all and/or you are focusing on a sense of privilege, power and personal aggrandizement.

26 Aquarius = Saturn is interacting with Jupiter [A hydrometer] You are evaluating yours and other people’s emotional dependability and emotional health and responding appropriately and/or you are refusing to evaluate emotional patterns, expressing your emotions irresponsibly and getting caught up in the emotional instability of those around you.

30 Pisces = Jupiter is interacting with Uranus [The Great Stone Face] You are seeing and experiencing the wholeness that lies behind the polarized realm of time and space recognizing the everything is a manifestation of the one Spirit that is All That Is and/or you are continuing to be caught up in the illusion of many separate and distinct forms.

15 Taurus = Uranus is interacting with Jupiter and Saturn [A man muffled up with a rakish silk hat] You are forming a working pattern for dealing with the world that enables you to function while you continue to learn about yourself and work on your deeper issues and/or you are pretending that you have everything together and refusing to even consider that there might be something you need to deal with deep within you.

15 Aquarius = Saturn is interacting with Uranus [Two lovebirds sitting on a fence] You are embracing the whole of life with a love that transcends personal self-interest and/or you are sitting on the fence, refusing to make a commitment.

Two-Planet Diary
{When 2 planets interact it influences the way we want to express ourselves, our attitudes, moods, and impulses. Becoming aware of these vibrations helps us to guide these aspects of ourselves with awareness rather than being controlled by them. There are longer patterns which tend to have more impact because we feel them for several days in a row and there are quick Moon patterns that impact our moods and feelings for a window of couple of hours either side of the time given. The longer patterns are stronger and so are listed here, followed by a section on the Moods of the Moon}

Jan 28 – Jan 30 (exact Jan 29) Mercury in Capricorn is flowing freely (trine) with Uranus in Taurus. This vibe is increasing in influence until it peaks at 9:16 PM, then decreasing and fading out around 9 PM on Jan. 30. This vibration really energizes and electrifies the mind. You can experience all kinds of thought spontaneously appearing and exciting you. This may have a tendency to be distracting and it may scatter your mind. Keep a notebook with you so you can write down the interesting ideas that come into your mind so you can refer back to them later. This is a time when people are especially sharp and capable of mental leaps, which brings a strong desire for freedom, especially mentally. There is potential creativity here as you realize the connections between things that you have not seen before.

Jan 28 – Jan 31 (exact Jan 29) the Sun in Aquarius is flowing freely (trine) with Mars in Gemini. This vibe is increasing in influence until it peaks at 8:46 PM, then decreasing and fading out around 2:30 AM on Jan. 31. This vibrational energy is very active and is going to go out and do things. There is a real need to achieve something today. This is a time when actions are easy to take, perhaps too easy, seek to be aware of the way your actions may impact others. You will easily see ways to act that make sense to you and you’ll likely have a lot of energy available in an easy flow within you. This is an especially good time to work on an important project. It is also a good time for physical activity, exercise like hiking, sports, physical projects.

The Moods of the Moon
{The Moon patterns only last a short period of time. They impact our moods and feelings for around 4 hours, 2 hours each side of the exact position.}

Starting at 1:02 PM, peaking at 3:02 PM, the Moon in Taurus is sharing freely (sextile) with Neptune in Pisces. This 4 hr period could bring a distracted dreamy feeling when you are not really sharply focused. Instead you may find yourself day-dreaming about what you would like your life to be like. This is a good time to dream, but not a good time to act on those dreams. Wait until you are thinking more clearly.

Starting at 5:03 PM, peaking at 7:03 PM, the Moon in Taurus is acting and agitating (square) with Saturn in Aquarius. This 4 hr period is a time when you want to focus on what is really important in your life and take actions to support those things. This could involve thing like working on long-term projects or cleaning out the things that are not important. So this is a good time to clean up something that has been bothering you.

Starting at 10:52 PM, peaking at 12:52 AM on Jan. 30, the Moon in Taurus is flowing freely (trine) with Pluto in Capricorn.In this 4 hr period deep feelings within you that you have buried could affect your mood. Be aware that you may be reacting to the past rather than the present. Ask yourself if you have felt this way in the past and when and with whom. Be prepared to walk away from a situation if you get triggered.

The Cyclic Patterns Diary {These are patterns that continue over an extended period of time and you may find that rereading this periodically will help you effectively handle what we are all experiencing as our “astral weather” in this time period.}

On January 28, the First Quarter Moon occurred with the Moon in Taurus acting and agitating (square) with the Sun in Aquarius. This vibrational energy will be influencing us until the Full Moon on February 5. This vibrational energy is especially focused in your interactions with others in community. This is an opportunity to work with others and grow and develop by working with ideas you get from your interaction with others. There is also the possibility of gaining understanding of what will help your community to work more effectively better meeting the needs of the people who live in your community. Combining the lessons of history with visions and dreams of a more ideal community is possible at this time. The Sabian Symbol for the Sun is “A flag turned into an eagle”. This is an opportunity to move into the expression of your true power, bringing your ideas into concrete expression, no longer worrying about proving yourself to others. Make sure you are not being swept away by the power and influence of those around you, being caught up in their ideas. The Sabian Symbol for the Moon is “A Christmas tree decorated”. This is an opportunity to call the light back into the lengthening night that light may be reborn in the darkness within you. Be sure not to get caught up in the darkness and being swallowed by it.On January 21, the New Moon occurred with the Sun in Aquarius joining with the Moon in Aquarius.This vibrational energy will be influencing us until the next New Moon on February 20.This vibrational energy is related to being aware of how you are being affected by other people’s actions. It is important to tune into what others can tell you about their lives and you are going to act differently because of what you learn from others. You may feel a need to join together and seek a bettern answer for both of you. There is unusual opportunities for effective communication with this vibrational energy. The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon is “An unexpected thunderstorm”. This symbol is about experiencing sudden unexpected awarenesses, crashing into your mind sharply, illuminating the hidden realms within the current reality. Try not to lose control and explode emotionally without warning, lashing out with the backlog of emotions that you have bottled up inside yourself.

On December 21, the Winter Solstice occurred as the Sun enters Capricorn. This vibrational energy will be influencing us until the Spring Equinox on March 20. This vibrational energy brings a sense of spontaneous joy on the surface. On a deeper level there is an awareness of the importance of community and concern for the places where community fails and people fall through the cracks. There seems to be a strong emphasis, this season, on finding ways to more effectively respond to those among us who are not being supported by community in a good way. The Sabian Symbol for the Winter Solstice is “A jockey”. It comes from the relationship of the Sun to the Moon and it means you are learning how to pace yourself and evaluate your situation then move forward quickly when the time is right, recognizing that the process is more important than the outcome. Try not to rush ahead without thought, getting carried away; seeking to win at all costs and finding that you run out of steam before you have completed your work.

On November 8, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurred with the Sun in Scorpio opposite the Moon in Taurus. This is the end of this eclipse season and this vibrational pattern will be influencing us until the next Eclipse Season starts on April 20, 2023. This vibrational energy is seeking to get to the true or fundamental essence helping each person discover the unique essence within them and realize how amazing and beautiful it is. The Sabian Symbol for the Sun is “A woman the father of her own child”. This symbol is about giving birth to yourself as a conscious spiritual being connected in with the greater reality around you. The challenge is not to move into feelings of being alone and abandoned which may force you into an unwanted independence without support. The Moon Symbol is “A battle between the swords and the torches”. This might lead you into engaging in a battle between the forces of light, awareness & love and the forces of domination & control with the light shining in and revealing the strongly held distortions that must be defeated. It is important to claim your power and not surrender to the domination and control of others.

On October 25 the New Moon Solar Eclipse occurred with the Sun and Moon in Scorpio. This is the start of this eclipse season and this vibrational pattern will be influencing us until the next Eclipse Season starts on April 20, 2023. This vibrational energy brings a sense of the importance of listening to the stories of others. There is a drive towards expanded action seeking to respond to the stories and the needs you encounter in the people around you. This involves a sense of reaching for the fundamental beauty in others that you can see more clearly at this time. The Sabian Symbol for the eclipse is “A house-raising”. This symbol is about being involved in building a new structure for yourself with the entire community generously gathering and harmoniously participating in the process according to their skills and abilities. This is a reminder that others help make our lives work right. Take care not to refuse the help of others because of a lack of trust or an excessive sense of independence related to fear of being controlled. Also be aware that you may have a belief that you do not deserve help or do not have the right to ask for help. This is your own issues. We all need help at times.

The Retrograde Diary: DEGREE CHANGES TODAY: Mercury >> Introductory Period for Pluto: Turning forward of Mars, Uranus: Resolution of Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto {During the apparent retrograde period each planet’s movement relative to the backdrop of the stars slows down, reverses and then turns back around forward again concentrating its vibration in a particular area. There are issues that each planet focuses on during the period leading up to its turn backwards. These issues are addressed again to be reworked on during the retrograde period [in brackets] then a new understanding of these issues occurs during the post retrograde period. These issues are not from Vibrational Astrology, this is an experiment based on interpretations of the Sabian Symbols that I wrote many years ago. If an entry resonates with you, then claim it, if not, release it, it was for someone else. I would very much like your feedback on this. Points of especially concentrated energy are marked with “!”}

!!!Mercury {Dec 12, 2022 !Dec 19! [Dec 29 – !Jan 7, 2023! – Jan 18] !Feb 1! Feb 7} 8, 16, 24 Capricorn → Jan. 29 – 30: (15-16 Cap) Resolution: Remember developing your skill and power within a structured group, learning respect for everyone and developing skills in group interaction, learning to cease showing off and seeking to establish yourself as better than others, looking down on those who are not as skilled as yourself [Boys and girls in gymnasium suits]

Venus clear of any shadow (Mar 2, 2022 – June 19, 2023)

Mars {Sep 3, 2022 !Sep 20! [Oct 30 – !Dec 8! – Jan 12] !Feb 21! Mar 16, 2023} 8, 16, 25 Gemini → Jan. 24 – 30: (9-10 Gem) Resolution: Remember recognizing that your attempts to rise above the issues within the self are failing due to you holding onto too heavy a load of personal baggage, learning to cease blaming others for your failures; seeing them as the baggage that is weighing you down [An airplane falling]

Jupiter {May 4, 2022 !May 31! [Jul 28 – !Sep 26! – Nov 23] !Jan 18, 2023! Feb 14, 2023} 28 Pisces, 3 Aries, 8 Aries → Jan. 26 – 31: (5-6 Ari) Resolution: Remember having a strong sense of focus in one area with an emphasis on duty and action taking one step at a time, learning to cease operating in an unfocused, perhaps angry, scattered confusion [A square brightly lighted on one side]

Saturn {Feb 26, 2022 !Mar 30! [Jun 4 – !Aug 14! – Oct 23] !Dec 26! Jan 26, 2023} 18, 21, 25 Aquarius → Jan. 24 – Jan 26: (25-26 Aqu) Resolution: Remember appropriately evaluating yours and other people’s emotional dependability and emotional health, responding appropriately, learning to cease refusing to evaluate emotional patterns, expressing your emotions irresponsibly and getting caught up in the emotional instability of those around you [A hydrometer]

Uranus {May 7, 2022 !Jun 12! [Aug 24 – !Nov 9! – Jan 22, 2023] !Apr 3! May 9, 2023} 14, 16, 18 Taurus → Jan. 11 – Feb. 3: (15-14 Tau) Turning Forward: The Challenge is discovering that you have the awareness and skills to take care of yourself and that you can protect your sense of internal integrity using the tools available to you, learning to cease hiding within the disguises and superficialities of your cultural heritage, pretending to be something you aren’t [A man muffled up with a rakish silk hat]

Neptune {Mar. 7, 2022 !Apr 14! [June 28 – !Sep 16! – Dec. 3] !Feb 14,2023! Mar. 24} 22, 24, 25 Pisces → Jan. 8 – Feb. 13: (23-24 Pis) Resolution: Remember truly grounding within yourself in the essence of yourself, recognizing your boundaries and empowering yourself while learning how to balance your needs against the needs of those around you, learning to cease putting boundaries between yourself and your community and the rest of the world, feeling alienated and deserted and alone [An inhabited island]

[From Jan 8 through Jan 29, Pluto is both finishing up one retrograde cycle and beginning another one.]

Pluto {Jan 8, 2023 !Feb 16! [May 1 – !Jul 21! – Oct 11] !Dec 25! Feb 1, 2024} 27, 29 Capricorn, 0 Aquarius → Jan. 11 – Feb. 11: (28-29 Cap) Introductory: Are you beginning to read, with great clarity, the hidden level of reality, putting aside your skepticism, opening to your intuitive awareness, taking responsibility for your impact on everything around you, learning to cease superstitiously depending on signs around you and blindly following these signs, not taking responsibility for your life or your decisions [A woman reading tea leaves]

Pluto {Jan 6, 2022 !Feb 13! [Apr. 29 – !Jul 19! – Oct 8] !Dec 22! Jan. 29, 2023} 26, 27, 28 Capricorn → Jan. 11 – Jan. 29: (28-29 Cap) Resolution: Remember beginning to read, with great clarity, the hidden level of reality, putting aside your skepticism, opening to your intuitive awareness, taking responsibility for your impact on everything around you, learning to cease superstitiously depending on signs around you and blindly following these signs, not taking responsibility for your life or your decisions [A woman reading tea leaves]

Next Cycle Diary:
Pluto {Jan 8, 2023 !Feb 16! [May 1 – !Jul 21! – Oct 11] !Dec 25! Feb 1, 2024} 27, 29 Capricorn, 0 Aquarius
Neptune {Mar. 9, 2023 !Apr 16! [June 30 – !Sep 19! – Dec. 6] !Feb 16, 2023! Mar. 26} 24, 26, 27 Pisces
Saturn {Mar 11, 2023 !Apr 12! [Jun 17 – !Aug 27! – Nov 4] !Jan 7!, 2024! Feb 7} 0, 3, 7 Pisces
Mercury {Apr 6, 2023 !Apr 12! [Apr 21 – !May 1! – May 14] !May 27! May 31} 5, 11, 15 Taurus
Uranus {May 12, 2023 !Jun 17! [Aug 28 – !Nov 13! – Jan 27, 2024] !Apr 6! May 13, 2024} 19, 21, 23 Taurus
Jupiter {Jun 11, 2023 !Jul 9! [Sep 4 – !Nov 3! – Dec31] !Feb 25, 2024! Mar 23, 2024} 5, 10, 15 Taurus
Venus {Jun 19, 2023 !Jun 30! [Jul 23 – !Aug 13! – Sep 4, 2022] !Sep 26! Oct 9} 12, 20, 28 Leo
Mars {Oct 5, 2024 !Oct 27! [Dec 6 – !Jan 15, 2025! – Feb 24] !Apr 11! May 2, 2025} 17 Cancer, 27 Cancer, 6 Leo

All times are given in Eastern USA time zone.
Linda Berry
*Planetary Pattern Pictures and Sabian Symbol Interpretations, ©Linda Berry,, 1* = 50-100 points, 2* = 100-150 points, etc.