Sunday, November 21, 2021

The Vibrational Astrology Diary
by Linda Berry*

Today, Sunday (11/21/2021), the strongest vibrational influence comes from the Sun joining with Neptune and Pluto (2*). Today’s vibrational pattern is about a passion for expressing yourself in your life in a way that is distinctly your own. In other words about adding your special sense of things, your special flavor to what you are involved in so that it is a distinctive expression of who you are. This is also about supporting other people in expressing themselves in a special way that comes from who they are. This is about tuning into who you are and coming to recogni9ze your special way of approaching your work and your personal life.

The AstroFrequency(s) for the day (strongest listed first)
26 (1*) Moves Beyond Average or Mediocre in interactions with others
13 (1*) Internally focused on moving Beyond Average or Mediocre

The Sabian Symbols of our Featured Planets: Sun, Neptune Pluto
The uplifting message from the featured planet positions that shows the way through: You are joyfully embracing the interplay of all levels, with spiritual realms entering the mundane, and mundane realms entering the spiritual, recognizing the illusion and the spiritual realities behind it. You are recognizing the value of all levels of consciousness, seeking to serve and teach those who know less than you do in a gentle loving manner, recognizing that you’re learning from everything around you.  You are displaying genuine, precious, beautiful, and useful products and gifts, offering them to others at a fair price. The more dysfunctional expression of this message: You are confusing reality and illusion and being unable to tell the difference between them which can result in you intruding into other people’s space and not respecting their boundaries. You are separating yourself from those who are perceived as having less status than you, acting like a spoiled brat and seeming to get away with it, failing to take responsibility for yourself.  You are misrepresenting the value and significance of your products and gifts seeking to gain an advantage or take advantage of others.

30 Scorpio = Sun [The Halloween jester]
You are joyfully embracing the interplay of all levels, with spiritual realms entering the mundane, and mundane realms entering the spiritual, recognizing the illusion and the spiritual realities behind it and/or you are confusing reality and illusion and being unable to tell the difference between them which can result in you intruding into other people’s space and not respecting their boundaries
21 Pisces = Neptune [A little white lamb, a child and a Chinese servant]
You are recognizing the value of all levels of consciousness, seeking to serve and teach those who know less than you do in a gentle loving manner, recognizing that you’re learning from everything around you and/or you are separating yourself from those who are perceived as having less status than you, acting like a spoiled brat and seeming to get away with it, failing to take responsibility for yourself
25 Capricorn = Pluto [An oriental-rug dealer]
You are displaying genuine, precious, beautiful, and useful products and gifts, offering them to others at a fair price and/or you are misrepresenting the value and significance of your products and gifts seeking to gain an advantage or take advantage of others

Two-Planet Diary
{When 2 planets interact it influences the way we want to express ourselves, our attitudes, moods, and impulses. Becoming aware of these vibrations helps us to guide these aspects of ourselves with awareness rather than being controlled by them. There are longer patterns which tend to have more impact because we feel them for several days in a row and there are quick Moon patterns that impact our moods and feelings for a window of couple of hours either side of the time given. The longer patterns are stronger and so are listed first, followed by the Moods of the Moon}

Nov 21, 2021     9:34 PM                     Sun enters Sagittarius
At 9:34 PM, the Sun enters Sagittarius.  The Sun in Sagittarius brings exuberant feelings and a desire to explore your external world and your internal world.  This 30 days is a great time to explore some place you have never been or to learn something new that you have been wondering about.

Nov 20 – Dec 1 (not exact) Venus in Capricorn and Mars in Scorpio.  Due to Venus slowing down as she approaches her retrograde, this aspect will not be completed until August 2, 2022 and Venus will then be in Cancer and Mars will be in Taurus. For the current period they are close to a sextile but do not complete it. This vibrational pattern is about acting on your attractions in a shared harmonious manner. This can be an attraction to another person but it can also be about beauty in any form. This is an excellent vibration for artists of any kind. It especially appreciates natural substances and making or growing things without all the modern conveniences. This favors gardens and craft projects, cooking from scratch and walking in the rain.

Nov 20 – Nov 21 (exact Nov 21) Mercury in Scorpio is sharing freely (sextile) with Pluto in Capricorn. This vibe is increasing in influence until it peaks at 4:14 AM then decreasing fading out around 7 PM on Nov 21. This vibration encourages you to engage with trusted friends and to discuss together the places in your life where you tend to over-react based on past experiences. This may be an opportunity for you and your friends to release some old patterns that have been causing problems in your life and perhaps in your friendship.

Nov 20 – Nov 21 (exact Nov 20) Mercury in Scorpio is acting and agitating (square) with Jupiter in Aquarius. This vibe is decreasing fading out around 11 AM. This vibration brings a need to step back and look at the big picture. It is especially important to consider what you may be so involved in that you can’t see it clearly and where you can expand your connections in your networks or establish new networks.

The Moods of the Moon.
{Remember that the quicker Moon patterns impact our moods and feelings for a short window of time around 4 hours, 2 hours each side of the exact position.}

Starting at 1:05 AM, peaking at 3:05 AM, the Moon in Gemini is acting and agitating (square) with Neptune in Pisces. This 4 hr period is about a need to act on your dreams and make them more real in your life.
Starting at 8:52 AM, peaking at 10:52 AM, the Moon in Gemini is flowing freely (trine) with Jupiter in Aquarius. This 4 hr period is expansive and optimistive, perhaps even overly optimistic.  Be sure to double check what you are actually capable of accomplishing.

At 10:33 PM the Moon enters Cancer, staying for 2 ½ days and shifting your emotional focus to close interactions with those that you consider to be family and to expanding your family group.  You want to have harmonious interactions with those you love.

The Cyclic Patterns Diary
{These are patterns that continue over an extended period of time and you may find that rereading this periodically will help you effectively handle what we are all experiencing as our “astral weather” in this time period.}
On November 19, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurred with the Moon in Taurus opposing the Sun in Scorpio. This is the start of this eclipse season and this vibrational pattern will be influencing us until the next Eclipse Season starts on April 30, 2022. This Vibrational Pattern involves the Sun and Moon especially strongly interacting with Mercury. This shows that emotional patterns and history will be very important during this next 5 months. There is a focus on creating programs, concepts that are acceptable to everybody involved. There is also an awareness of the needs of people and how they are or are not being met. The Sabian Symbol for the Sun is “The King of the Fairies approaching his Domain” which points to the importance of understanding your true essence, the domain within the core of your being where you’re truy and confidently in command of yourself. If you are not in touch with the core of your being you may try to use control to prove your superiority.  The Moon Symbol is “A Woman pursued by Mature Romance”. This is about participating in a mature type of love that involves a greater awareness of your interconnectivity to others. There is a warning to not closing down to love because you are being guided by social expectations of what love means and what types of love are permissible.

On November 4, the New Moon occurred with the Sun and Moon in Scorpio. This vibrational pattern will be influencing us until the next New Moon on December 4. This vibrational pattern brings the potential for tremendous creativity involving ideas that just appear in your mind that are new and innovative. This is a time to pay attention to the things that pop into your mind and write them down in a notebook. They will seem obvious when they appear but you will be likely to find they fade away if you don’t write them down. The Sabian Symbol for both the Sun and the Moon is “An Inventor Experimenting”. This is about trying different ways of expressing the unique gifts you have. You are encouraged to move beyond established structures but to use careful observation and analysis to develop your ideas.

The Fall Equinox occurred on September 22 as the Sun entered Libra with the Moon in Aries. This vibrational pattern will be influencing us until the Winter Solstice on December 21. This vibrational pattern has a strong emphasis on the way the past is affecting us. There is the potential to get a broader understanding of how we are being influenced by the past and the potential for sudden insights and shifts to occur. There is a need to reconcile the past with the present and to face the way we have been being influenced by past patterns. The Sabian Symbol for the Moon is “The Gate to the Garden of Desire” which is about getting up the courage to move into a new state even though you don’t know what dangers and revelations you may have to face. There is a danger in withdrawing that you will never be able to reach your dreams.

The Retrograde Diary: DEGREE CHANGES TODAY: Venus
Introductory Contact for Venus: Reworking of Uranus: Turning Forward of Neptune, Pluto: Resolution of Jupiter, Saturn
{During the apparent retrograde period each planet’s movement relative to the backdrop of the stars slows down, reverses and then turns back around forward again concentrating its vibration in a particular area. There are issues that each planet focuses on during the period leading up to its turn backwards. These issues are addressed again to be reworked on during the retrograde period [in brackets] then a new understanding of these issues occurs during the post retrograde period. These issues are not from Vibrational Astrology, this is an experiment based on interpretations of the Sabian Symbols that I wrote many years ago. If an entry resonates with you, then claim it, if not, release it, it was for someone else. I would very much like your feedback on this. Points of especially concentrated energy are marked with “!”}

!!!Venus {Nov 17, 2021 !Nov28! [Dec 19 – !Jan 8! – Jan 29, 2022] !Feb 19! Mar 2} 11, 18, 26 Capricorn –> Nov. 21 – 22:  (14-15 Cap) Introductory:  Are you helping yourself and others, especially children, who have been damaged and injured, to reconnect with joyful play, learning to cease acting like you care about others when you really don’t, substituting things for genuine caring and love and immaturely pampering yourself without thinking about the needs of others  [Many toys in the children’s ward of a hospital]

Jupiter {Mar 27, 2021 !Apr 3! [Jun 20 – !Aug 19! – Oct 18] !Dec 13! Jan 9, 2022} 22, 27 Aquarius, 2 Pisces –> Nov. 19 – 27:  (24-25 Aqu) Resolution:  Remember to transform your active assertive impulses, placing them at the service of a greater awareness, taking care to keep your emotions in balance, being guided by your intuitive awarenesses, learning to cease being lopsided and out of balance with your emotions overwhelming your rational responses and your intuitive awarenesses ignored [A butterfly with the right wing more perfectly formed]

Saturn {Feb 14, 2021 !Mar 18! [May 23 – !Aug 2! – Oct 11] !Dec 13! Jan 14, 2022} 6, 10, 13 Aquarius -> Nov. 16 – Dec. 1:  (8-9 Aqu) Resolution:  Remember to move into expression of your true power, bringing your ideas into concrete expression, no longer worrying about proving yourself to others, learning to cease being swept away by the power and influence of those around you, being caught up in their ideas [A flag turned into an eagle]

Uranus R {May 3, 2021 !Jun 8! [Aug 19 – !Nov 4! – Jan 18, 2022] !Mar 29! May 5, 2022} 10, 12, 14 Taurus –> Oct. 30 – Nov. 24:  (13-12 Tau) Reworking:  Work on facing the baggage you carry within you; working through it piece by piece, learning to cease experiencing the totality of your baggage all at once and feeling overburdened and unable to cope with the weight of all of it [A man handling baggage]

Neptune R {Mar. 5, 2021 !Apr 11! [June 25 – !Sep 14! – Dec. 1] !Feb 11, 2022! Mar. 22} 20 – 23 Pisces –> Oct. 14, 2021 –  Jan. 16, 2022:  (21-20 Pis) Turning Forward:  The Challenge is to recognize the value of all levels of consciousness, seeking to serve and teach those who know less than you do in a gentle loving manner, recognizing that you’re learning from everything around you, learning to cease separating yourself from those who are perceived as having less status than you, acting like a spoiled brat and seeming to get away with it, failing to take responsibility for yourself [A little white lamb, a child and a Chinese servant]

Pluto {Jan 4, 2021 !Feb 12! [Apr. 27 – !Jul 17! – Oct 6] !Dec 20! Jan. 27, 2022} 24, 25, 26 Capricorn –> Aug. 10 – Nov. 29: (25-24 Cap) Turning Forward: The Challenge is to display genuine, precious, beautiful, and useful products and gifts, offering them to others at a fair price, learning to cease misrepresenting the value and significance of your products and gifts seeking to gain an advantage or take advantage of others [An oriental-rug dealer]

Next Cycle Diary:
Venus {Nov 17, 2021 !Nov28! [Dec 19 – !Jan 8! – Jan 29, 2022] !Feb 19! Mar 2} 11, 18, 26 Capricorn
Mercury {Dec 29, 2021 !Jan 04, 2022! [Jan 14 – !Jan 23! – Feb 04] !Feb 17! Feb 24} 24 Capricorn – 10 Aquarius
Pluto {Jan 6, 2022 !Feb 13! [Apr. 29 – !Jul 19! – Oct 8] !Dec 22! Jan. 29, 2023} 26, 27, 28 Capricorn
Saturn {Feb 26, 2022 !Mar 30! [Jun 4 – !Aug 14! – Oct 23] !Dec 26! Jan 26, 2023} 18, 21, 25 Aquarius
Neptune {Mar. 7, 2022 !Apr 14! [June 28 – !Sep 16! – Dec. 3] !Feb 14,2023! Mar. 24} 22, 24, 25 Pisces
Jupiter {May 4, 2022 !May 31! [Jul 28 – !Sep 26! – Nov 23] !Jan 18, 2023! Feb 14, 2023} 28 Pisces, 3 Aries, 8 Aries
Uranus {May 7, 2022 !Jun 12! [Aug 24 – !Nov 9! – Jan 22, 2023] !Apr 3! May 9, 2023} 14, 16, 18 Taurus
Mars {Sep 3, 2022 !Sep 20! [Oct 30 – !Dec 8! – Jan 12] !Feb 21! Mar 16, 2023} 8, 16, 25 Gemini

All times are given in Eastern USA time zone.
Linda Berry
*Planetary Pattern Pictures and Sabian Symbol Interpretations, ©Linda Berry,, 1* = 50-100 points, 2* = 100-150 points, etc.