Wednesday, August 31, 2022

The Vibrational Astrology Diary
by Linda Berry*

Today, Wednesday (8/31/2022), the strongest vibrational influence comes from the Moon and Mars joining with Neptune (1*). The strongest vibrational pattern today is about interacting with and exploring the world around you. In this process you will be able to revise and update your internal understanding of how the world operates. It is important to always allow the world around you to be new, to see things again as if you are seeing them for the first time. This vibration can involve interaction with others either play or creative action that you engage in together. It is very active and has the ability to work and play with others harmoniously. There is a sense of reaching out for your dreams and needing to feel that you can reach out into and experience the amazing, out of this world experiences that your dreams call you to. You may even experience flashes of amazing creative insight into the projects you are working on. Above all this is about relaxing and enjoying what you are doing. (For VA Students: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30)

The AstroFrequency(s) for the day (strongest listed first)
26 (1*) Moves Beyond Average or Mediocre in interactions with others

The Sabian Symbols of our Featured Planets: Moon, Mars, Neptune >>> The uplifting message from the featured planet positions that shows the way through: You are involving yourself in the initial exploration of strange new realms, recognizing the importance of keeping contact with your own identity while exploring realms that are unknown to you and sharing your experiences with others. You are tapping into previously built structures; finding a connection back into the universal source of nurturing love and wisdom to quench your thirst and to share with others who are also thirsty. You are getting rid of all that is not truly part of your essence as a deeply spiritually aligned and complete person, while recognizing the truth of other people, seeing who and what they are in the essence of their beings. The more dysfunctional expression of this message: You are getting confused and disoriented because of losing track of yourself, holding back and withdrawing into yourself, so that you get caught in unfriendly alien circumstances. You are blocking yourself off from your source and feeling parched and empty. You are refusing to look at distortions in your values and motives, clinging to rigid positions, deceiving, lying, and misleading those around you and being rejected.

1 Scorpio = Moon [A sight-seeing bus] You are involving yourself in the initial exploration of strange new realms, recognizing the importance of keeping contact with your own identity while exploring realms that are unknown to you and sharing your experiences with others and/or you are getting confused and disoriented because of losing track of yourself, holding back and withdrawing into yourself, so that you get caught in unfriendly alien circumstances

7 Gemini = Mars [An old-fashioned well] You are tapping into previously built structures; finding a connection back into the universal source of nurturing love and wisdom to quench your thirst and to share with others who are also thirsty and/or you are blocking yourself off from your source and feeling parched and empty

25 Pisces = Neptune [The purging of the priesthood] You are getting rid of all that is not truly part of your essence as a deeply spiritually aligned and complete person, while recognizing the truth of other people, seeing who and what they are in the essence of their beings and/or you are refusing to look at distortions in your values and motives, clinging to rigid positions, deceiving, lying, and misleading those around you and being rejected

Two-Planet Diary
{When 2 planets interact it influences the way we want to express ourselves, our attitudes, moods, and impulses. Becoming aware of these vibrations helps us to guide these aspects of ourselves with awareness rather than being controlled by them. There are longer patterns which tend to have more impact because we feel them for several days in a row and there are quick Moon patterns that impact our moods and feelings for a window of couple of hours either side of the time given. The longer patterns are stronger and so are listed here, followed by a section on the Moods of the Moon}

Aug 30 – Sep 2 (exact Sep 1) Mars in Gemini is sharing freely (sextile) with Jupiter in Aries. This vibe is increasing in influence until it peaks at 7:51 AM on Sept 1 then decreasing fading out around 9 PM on Sept 2. This vibration brings the ability to act with others harmoniously in big ways. You will find it easier to do the things you have been dreaming about doing. This is a time to go for it in a big way.

The Moods of the Moon.
{The Moon patterns only last a short period of time. They impact our moods and feelings for around 4 hours, 2 hours each side of the exact position.}

Starting at 12:07 AM, peaking at 2:07 AM, the Moon in Libra is sharing freely (sextile) with Venus in Leo. In this 4 hr period you especially want to experience loving interactions with those that you are closest to, those with whom you feel a soul connection.
Starting at 4:43 AM, peaking at 6:43 AM, the Moon in Libra is acting and agitating (square) with Pluto in Capricorn. In this 4 hr period you may feel a need to act based on deep feelings within you that may come to the surface at this time. Ask yourself whether you are responding to the past or the present. Try to not put past feeling on the people you are currently interacting with.

At 1:11 PM the Moon enters Scorpio For the next 2 ½ days the Moon in Scorpio can tend to get very emotionally intense.The desire is to merge with the people you are involved with and with the projects you are working on.This can be uncomfortable for those not used to it as you can feel like you are being swallowed up.If it gets too much, just step back for a couple of minutes and take a breath, or even take a walk around the block to help you temporarily disconnect.

The Cyclic Patterns Diary {These are patterns that continue over an extended period of time and you may find that rereading this periodically will help you effectively handle what we are all experiencing as our “astral weather” in this time period.}

On August 27, the New Moon occurs with the Sun and Moon in Virgo. This vibrational energy will be influencing us until the next New Moon September 25. In this vibrational pattern there is a very strong emphasis on accomplishing your goals in ways that are comfortable and pleasing to those around you. There is an abundance of energy available to do this and a tendency to claim the freedom to operate in the moment spontaneously. At the same time there is an almost instinctive ability to operate in ways that will flow harmoniously in your environment. The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon is “A Man Dreaming of Fairies”. This is about using your imagination. It brings a tendency to see the deeper, invisible levels of the world and within yourself. There is the potential here to reintegrate some rejected aspects of yourself and your world. There is a warning here about using your imagination to escape from reality, which could mean losing touch with yourself and possibly getting caught up in delusions. The tendency with this New Moon is that it brings amazing potential if you will reintegrate the patterns you have rejected.

On June 21 the Summer Solstice occurred as the Sun entered Cancer. This vibrational energy will be influencing us until the Fall Equinox on September 22. The vibrational energy pattern for the solstice contains a shared potential for creative exploration. There is also a sense of shared restlessness and dissatisfaction that seems to drive people to seek something different than what they have. The Sabian Symbol for the Summer Solstice comes from the relationship of the Sun to the Moon. It is “A Gypsy coming out of the Forest” which shows the potential for people to move beyond their previously restricted viewpoint and become aware of a larger reality that they can connect into.

On May 16, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurred with the Moon in Scorpio and the Sun in Taurus. This is the end of this eclipse season and this vibrational pattern will be influencing us until the next Eclipse Season starts on October 25, 2022. This eclipse is especially involved with Saturn seeking to focus on that which is essential and of long-term importance and to let go of passing feelings and actions that will not be remembered at a later time. This vibrational pattern involves deep inner work seeking to find the appropriate actions and includes a sense of not knowing and not being able to know all the answers. The Sabian Symbol for the Sun is “A Spaniard serenading his Senorita” which calls for you to refocus the assertive/aggressive aspect of yourself, discovering the value of love and gentleness, and seeing the beauty within you and in others. The Moon Symbol is “Indians making Camp”. This symbol is about learning to operate in a new realm where you need to learn the rules for functioning in this place so that you respect the rights of everyone involved.

On April 30, the New Moon Solar Eclipse occurred with the Sun and Moon in Taurus. This is the start of this eclipse season and this vibrational pattern will be influencing us until the next Eclipse Season starts on October 25, 2022. This eclipse focuses on devotion to the beauty of the past with a sense of the importance of direct hands on experience seeking to evaluate what really needs to happen to properly honor the past in the present. The importance of actually taking action to make a more direct involved and beautiful world is especially emphasized. The Sabian Symbol for the eclipse is “Deep-Sea Divers” which is about exploring the deepest realms of your being finding the tremendous pressures that are operating within you calling you to open to new awareness of your talents and gifts. Take care to keep in touch with the reality of the world around you as you are probing the depths within you.

The Retrograde Diary: DEGREE CHANGES TODAY: Mercury >>> Introductory Period of Mercury: Turning back of Uranus: Reworking of Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune: Turning forward of Pluto {During the apparent retrograde period each planet’s movement relative to the backdrop of the stars slows down, reverses and then turns back around forward again concentrating its vibration in a particular area. There are issues that each planet focuses on during the period leading up to its turn backwards. These issues are addressed again to be reworked on during the retrograde period [in brackets] then a new understanding of these issues occurs during the post retrograde period. These issues are not from Vibrational Astrology, this is an experiment based on interpretations of the Sabian Symbols that I wrote many years ago. If an entry resonates with you, then claim it, if not, release it, it was for someone else. I would very much like your feedback on this. Points of especially concentrated energy are marked with “!”}

!!!Mercury {Aug 20, 2022 !Aug 26! [Sep 9 – !Sep 23! – Oct 02] !Oct 11! Oct 17} 24 Virgo, 0, 8 Libra –> Aug. 31 – Sept. 1: (5-6 Lib) Introductory: Are you working internally to solidify your ideals, forming a solid foundation from which you can relate to others effectively, learning to cease being pulled this way and that way by the needs of others losing track of who and what seeking to do [The ideals of a man abundantly crystallized]

Venus clear of any shadow (Mar 2, 2022 – June 19, 2023)
Mars clear of any shadow (Jan 3, 2021 – Sep 3, 2022)

!!!Jupiter R {May 4, 2022 !May 31! [Jul 28 – !Sep 26! – Nov 23] !Jan 18, 2023! Feb 14, 2023} 28 Pisces, 3 Aries, 8 Aries –> Aug. 30 – Sept. 8: (7-6 Ari) Reworking: Working on finding that you can effectively express two different levels, orientations or sets of demands with versatility, being able to focus on each as appropriate, learning to cease scattering your energies and failing to be effective anywhere [A man successfully expressing himself in two realms at once]

Saturn R {Feb 26, 2022 !Mar 30! [Jun 4 – !Aug 14! – Oct 23] !Dec 26! Jan 26, 2023} 18, 21, 25 Aquarius –> Aug. 26 – Sept. 10: (21-20 Aqu) Reworking: Working on recognizing that you have not been being true to yourself, tending to get lost in the needs of others, refocusing on the true expression of yourself and your potentials, learning to cease getting lost in grief and guilt, letting your disappointments and disillusionment swallow you up, being unable to let go of the past [A woman disappointed and disillusioned]

Uranus R {May 7, 2022 !Jun 12! [Aug 24 – !Nov 9! – Jan 22, 2023] !Apr 3! May 9, 2023} 14, 16, 18 Taurus –> July 7 – Oct. 12: (18-19 Tau) Turning Back: The Issue is feeling a sense of yourself as a newly formed being in your own right, learning to cease reacting in fear and rejecting the new pattern rising up within you [A newly formed continent]

Neptune R {Mar. 7, 2022 !Apr 14! [June 28 – !Sep 16! – Dec. 3] !Feb 14,2023! Mar. 24} 22, 24, 25 Pisces –> Aug. 8 – Sept. 17: (25-24 Pis) Reworking: Working on getting rid of all that is not truly part of your essence as a deeply spiritually aligned and complete person, while recognizing the truth of other people seeing who and what they are in the essence of their being, learning to cease refusing to look at distortions in your values and motives, clinging to rigid positions, deceiving, lying, and misleading those around you and being rejected [The purging of the priesthood]

Pluto R {Jan 6, 2022 !Feb 13! [Apr. 29 – !Jul 19! – Oct 8] !Dec 22! Jan. 29, 2023} 26, 27, 28 Capricorn –> Aug. 3 – Dec. 9, 2022: (27-26 Cap) Turning Forward: The Challenge is climbing to the heights of the mountains, seeking to make the connections needed to bring spiritual awareness into yourself and the world, learning to cease seeking to reach the top of the heap in order to show that you’re better than others so you can look down on them from your exalted position [A mountain pilgrimage]

Next Cycle Diary:
Mars {Sep 3, 2022 !Sep 20! [Oct 30 – !Dec 8! – Jan 12] !Feb 21! Mar 16, 2023} 8, 16, 25 Gemini
Mercury {Dec 12, 2022 !Dec 19! [Dec 29 – !Jan 7, 2023! – Jan 18] !Feb 1! Feb 7} 8, 16, 24 Capricorn
Pluto {Jan 8, 2023 !Feb 16! [May 1 – !Jul 21! – Oct 11] !Dec 25! Feb 1, 2024} 27, 29 Capricorn, 0 Aquarius
Neptune {Mar. 9, 2023 !Apr 16! [June 30 – !Sep 19! – Dec. 6] !Feb 16, 2023! Mar. 26} 24, 26, 27 Pisces
Saturn {Mar 11, 2023 !Apr 12! [Jun 17 – !Aug 27! – Nov 4] !Jan 7!, 2024! Feb 7} 0, 3, 7 Pisces
Uranus {May 12, 2023 !Jun 17! [Aug 28 – !Nov 13! – Jan 27, 2024] !Apr 6! May 13, 2024} 19, 21, 23 Taurus
Jupiter {Jun 11, 2023 !Jul 9! [Sep 4 – !Nov 3! – Dec31] !Feb 25, 2024! Mar 23, 2024} 5, 10, 15 Taurus
Venus {Jun 19, 2023 !Jun 30! [Jul 23 – !Aug 13! – Sep 4, 2022] !Sep 26! Oct 9} 12, 20, 28 Leo

All times are given in Eastern USA time zone.
Linda Berry
*Planetary Pattern Pictures and Sabian Symbol Interpretations, ©Linda Berry,, 1* = 50-100 points, 2* = 100-150 points, etc.