Wednesday, September 27, 2023

The Vibrational Astrology Diary
by Linda Berry      

Today, Wednesday (09/27/2023),the strongest vibrational influence comes from Mercury and Mars joining with Saturn (1*).  The strongest vibrational pattern today is restless and dissatisfied. It is seeking a better more harmonious world to live in and is constantly reaching out further and further. This is about a need to study and learn seeking to understand what is really foundational and essential about what you are studying. There is a need to take action using the new ideas you are learning. You may well find that this works better if you are sharing with one or more other people. So look up something you have always wanted to know, figure out what is the really foundational and essential core of your study and see if there is a way you can act on that information. (For VA Students: 11, 22)

The AstroFrequency(s) for the day (strongest listed first)
22 (6*) Restless, Impatience shared with others, May feel stifled by others

The Sabian Symbols of our Featured Planets: Mercury, Mars, Saturn >>>
The uplifting message from the featured planet positions that shows the way through:

You are seeking to release the deep levels of disturbed energy within you by seeking outside guidance to improve your understanding, then evaluating that guidance seeking to sort out whether it is really relevant to you and will actually work in your situation. You are revealing the essence of yourself in all its beauty and distortions, tapping into the basic elements of life, letting go of fear and expectations of judgment, celebrating the beauty of yourself and everything around you and being renewed and revitalized.  You are learning to work through the emotional issues and attitudes blocking you from forming an integrated disciplined structure that can work with others to reach a goal.  You are sensing that there are difficult patterns within you that you do not know how to handle, protecting yourself from these patterns while you develop the strength and support system needed to face these potentially destructive patterns.

The more dysfunctional expression of this message:
You are blindly getting caught up in superstition and accepting whatever you’re told, failing to take responsibility for directing your own life. You are putting up a front, covering up your true essence, while keeping a distance from others in order to keep your deception from being discovered.  You are focusing on winning at all costs, seeing every interaction in terms of competition and winners and losers.  You are being so threatened by the issues within you that you feel unable to function frozen in the dark unwilling to accept any help or support.

18 Virgo = Mercury interaction with Mars [An ouija board]  You are seeking to release the deep levels of disturbed energy within you by seeking outside guidance to improve your understanding, then evaluating that guidance seeking to sort out whether it is really relevant to you and will actually work in your situation and/or you are blindly getting caught up in superstition and accepting whatever you’re told, failing to take responsibility for directing your own life

21 Libra = Mars [A crowd upon the beach]  You are revealing the essence of yourself in all its beauty and distortions, tapping into the basic elements of life, letting go of fear and expectations of judgment, celebrating the beauty of yourself and everything around you and being renewed and revitalized and/or you are putting up a front, covering up your true essence, while keeping a distance from others in order to keep your deception from being discovered

19 Virgo = Mercury interacting with Saturn [A swimming race]  You are learning to work through the emotional issues and attitudes blocking you from forming an integrated disciplined structure that can work with others to reach a goal and/or you are focusing on winning at all costs, seeing every interaction in terms of competition and winners and losers

2 Pisces = Saturn [A squirrel hiding from hunters]  You are sensing that there are difficult patterns within you that you do not know how to handle, protecting yourself from these patterns while you develop the strength and support system needed to face these potentially destructive patterns and/or you are being so threatened by the issues within you that you feel unable to function frozen in the dark unwilling to accept any help or support

The Two Planet Diary
{When 2 planets interact it influences the way we want to express ourselves, our attitudes, moods, and impulses. Becoming aware of these vibrations helps us to guide these aspects of ourselves with awareness rather than being controlled by them.

There are longer patterns which tend to have more impact because we feel them for several days in a row and there are quick Moon patterns that impact our moods and feelings for a window of a couple of hours either side of the exact time of the aspect. The longer patterns are stronger and so are listed here, followed by a section on the  Moods of the Moon}

Sep 24 – Sep 29 (not exact, closest Sep 27) Venus in Leo is sharing freely (sextile) with Mars in Libra. This vibe is increasing in influence reaching its closest distance today then decreasing fading out around 11 AM on Sept 29. This vibration involves interacting harmoniously with others in very direct ways and engaging in direct relationship to the natural world round you. There is a desire to act in ways that bring more beauty into the world.

The Moods of the Moon
{The Moon patterns only last a short period of time. They impact our moods and feelings for around 4 hours, 2 hours each side of the exact position.}

Starting at 9:00 PM yesterday, peaking at 11:00 PM yesterday, the Moon in Pisces is joining with Saturn in Pisces. This 4 hr period calls for an evaluation of your emotional patterns to see whether you are reacting emotionally to things that do not really matter where you will not remember what upset you in an hour or a day. It is about learning to let go of emotional feelings that are not about significant long-term issues.

Starting at 5:46 PM, peaking at 7:46 PM, the Moon in Pisces is sharing freely (sextile) with Jupiter in Taurus. This 4 hr period brings a sense of emotional expansion and optimism and a desire to reach out and interact with others socially.

The Cyclic Patterns Diary {These are patterns that continue over an extended period of time and you may find that rereading this periodically will help you effectively handle what we are all experiencing as our “astral weather” in this time period.}

On September 23, the Fall Equinox occurred as the Sun entered Libra. This vibrational energy will be influencing us until the Winter Solstice on December 21. At the Fall Equinox day and night are of equal length and we are moving towards the shorter days of Fall and Winter. This vibrational pattern is showing the Sun in relationship to Neptune and Pluto bringing a compulsive focus on your dreams and ideals and the potential for them to flow into realization in harmony with other people. There is a lot of mental energy with the potential to learn and develop new ideas and to try to act on your ideas and possibly get frustrated and angry if you are opposed. The desire is to bridge the gap in understanding and transmit to others what you have learned. There is also the potential for expanding your spiritual understandings during the Fall. The Sabian symbol for the Sun-Moon relationship is “Two Fairies on a Moonlit night”. You may discover two amazing, wonderful magical potentials illuminated in the darkness within you, the sensitive receptive potential and the potential to act in effective ways that bring your dreams to life, showing you that you are capable of being more than you ever dreamed of. On the flip side you may be misunderstanding what you are perceiving and getting caught up in illusion and fantasy which can result in being confused and irresponsible.

On September 22, the First Quarter Moon Phase occurred with the Moon in Sagittarius and the Sun in Virgo. This vibrational energy will be influencing us until the Full Moon on September 29. This vibrational energy pattern is about acting effectively in a big way. You can sense how to present yourself and your actions so that other people will be comfortable with what you are doing. There is also a deeper level to this week before the Full Moon. If you spend some time working within yourself, there is a potential to get some new insights into who you truly are and what the gifts are that you have to share with others. The Sabian Symbol for the Sun is “A False Call unheard in attention to immediate service” which involves operating out of a state of personal completion and fulfillment totally focusing on the immediate project or development in which you’re engaged and not letting interruptions side track you from what you need to do. The Symbol for the Moon is “The Pope” which is about sacrificing your needs in order to operate for the greater good.

On September 14, the New Moon occurred with the Sun and Moon in Virgo. This vibrational energy will be influencing us until the next New Moon, a Solar Eclipse on October 14.This vibrational energy pattern has a strong emphasis on emotional spontaneity and quick responses in the moment. There is a sense of working to realize your dreams through what you encounter in the world. There is an awareness of the community you are in and of the importance of expanding the benefits of community to all the people in the community. The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon is “A Royal Coat of Arms”. This symbol points to the responsibility each of us has to pass the benefits we have received on to the people who are in need. What we have gained we have a responsibility to pass on to others, to aide, to guide and to protect those who are less fortunate than we are.

On May 5, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurred with the Moon in Scorpio opposing the Sun in Taurus. This vibrational energy will be influencing us until the next Lunar Eclipse on October 28. This vibrational pattern is expansive and seeking to understand the different ways people can understand the world. This is often done by participating in a culture that is different from your culture of origin.  There is a strong need for the freedom to express yourself and to act on your feelings. The Sabian Symbol for the Sun is “A Bridge being built across a Gorge” which helps you connect to the next more expansive level of awareness beyond where you currently are operating. The Moon Symbol is “A Gold Rush”. This helps you find and identify the rigid patterns within you that are keeping you from connecting into the gold of your true self. You can break up these rigid structures and open up to a deeper truer understanding of yourself.

On April 20 the New Moon a Solar Eclipse occurred with the Sun and the Moon in Aries. This vibrational energy will be influencing us until the next Solar Eclipse on October 14. This eclipse in Aries emphasizes your connection within yourself and encourages you to find a way to do what you feel called to do deep within you. There is a focus on interacting with the world and exploring whatever you are drawn to. This process can be very creative. And with this vibration it leads to taking actions based on your discoveries. The Sabian Symbol for this eclipse is “A Duck Pond and its Brood”. This is about recognizing that you are operating within a bounded, limited sphere of activity where you are inter-linked with a particular group of people. It is important to realize that you are interconnected with people in a larger realm and to realize that you need to take into account this larger realm rather than just focusing on the needs of your group.

The Retrograde Diary: DEGREE CHANGES TODAY: Mercury, Venus >> Turning Backward of Jupiter: Reworking of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto: Resolution of Mercury, Venus {During the apparent retrograde period each planet’s movement relative to the backdrop of the stars slows down, reverses and then turns back around forward again concentrating its vibration in a particular area. There are issues that each planet focuses on during the period leading up to its turn backwards.

These issues are addressed again to be reworked on during the retrograde period [in brackets] then a new understanding of these issues occurs during the post retrograde period. These issues are not from Vibrational Astrology, this is an experiment based on interpretations of the Sabian Symbols that I wrote many years ago. If an entry resonates with you, then claim it, if not, release it, it was for someone else. I would very much like your feedback on this. Points of especially concentrated energy are marked with “!!!”}

!!!Mercury R {Aug 4, 2023 !Aug 9! [Aug 23 – !Sep 6! –Sep 15] !Sep 24! Sep 28} 8, 13, 21 Virgo → Sept. 27 – 28:  (18-19 Vir) Resolution:  Remember learning to work through the emotional issues and attitudes blocking you from forming an integrated disciplined structure that can work with others to reach a goal, learning to cease focusing on winning at all costs, seeing every interaction in terms of competition and winners and losers [A swimming race]

!!!Venus {Jun 19, 2023 !Jun 30! [Jul 23 – !Aug13! – Sep 4, 2022] !Sep 26! Oct 9} 12, 20, 28 Leo → Sept. 27 – 28:  (21-22 Leo) Resolution:  Remember listening, responding to your inner guidance, aligning with the flow and unfolding of your path through life, learning to cease being oblivious to the messages around you, failing to take in the signs of you losing your direction and showing a complete lack of common sense [A carrier pigeon]

Mars clear of any shadow (Mar 17, 2022 – Oct 5, 2024)

Jupiter R {Jun 11, 2023 !Jul 9! [Sep 4 – !Nov3! – Dec31] !Feb 25, 2024! Mar 23, 2024} 5, 10, 15 Taurus  → Sept. 23 – Oct. 5:  (15-14 Tau) Reworking:  Working on forming a working pattern for dealing with the world that enables you to function while you continue to learn about yourself and work on your deeper issues, learning to cease pretending that you have everything together and refusing to even consider that there might be something you need to deal with deep within you [A man muffled up with a rakish silk hat]

Saturn R {Mar 11, 2023 !Apr 12! [Jun 17 – !Aug 27! – Nov 4] !Jan 7!, 2024! Feb 7} 0, 3, 7 Pisces → Sept. 21 – Oct. 11:  (2-1 Pis) Reworking:  Working on sensing that there are difficult patterns within you that you do not know how to handle, protecting yourself from these patterns while you develop the strength and support system needed to face these potentially destructive patterns, learning to cease being so threatened by the issues within you that you feel unable to function frozen in the dark unwilling to accept any help or support [A squirrel hiding from hunters]

Uranus R {May 12, 2023 !Jun 17! [Aug 28 – !Nov 13! – Jan 27, 2024] !Apr 6! May 13, 2024} 19, 21, 23 Taurus → Sept. 11 – Oct. 21:  (23-22 Tau) Reworking:  Working on dimly sensing that you’re one of the jewels, a part of the divine awareness, beginning to sense the highest in you as a distant potential, learning to cease denying the light and beauty hidden within you and only seeing the more superficial trash and garbage heap within which your true worth is buried [A jewelry shop]

Neptune R {Mar. 9, 2023 !Apr 16! [June 30 – !Sep 19! – Dec. 6] !Feb 16, 2024! Mar. 6} 24, 26, 27 Pisces → Aug. 22 – Sept. 29:  (27-26 Pis) Reworking:  Working on celebrating the abundant fullness of the harvest within your soul, guided by the divine, recognizing that you have a responsibility to preserve that which you have gathered for the future, learning to cease being surrounded by abundance and wastefully neglecting to properly care for the bounty you have been given, leaving it to rot and be wasted [A harvest moon]

Pluto R {Jan 8, 2023 !Feb 16! [May 1 – !Jul 21! – Oct 10] !Dec 24! Feb 1, 2024} 27, 29 Capricorn, 0 Aquarius → Sept. 19 – Oct. 31:  (28-27 Cap) Turning Forward:  The Challenge is entering into more profound levels of spiritual awareness, recognizing the spiritual messages in all that is around you, seeking to sort true messages from the surrounding noise as you recognize the limitations of your current experiences, learning to cease being caught up in much busyness without any sense of organization within a confined space; pretending you’re free [A large aviary]

Next Cycle Diary:
Mercury {Aug 4, 2023 !Aug 9! [Aug 23 – !Sep 6! – Sep 15] !Sep 24! Sep 28} 8, 13, 21 Virgo

Pluto {Jan 10, 2024 !Feb 17! [May 2 – !Jul 23! – Oct 11] !Dec 25! Feb 2, 2025} 29, 0 Aquarius, 2 Aquarius
Neptune {Mar. 11, 2024 !Apr 18! [July 2 – !Sep 20! – Dec. 7] !Feb 18, 2025! Mar. 28} 27, 28, 29 Pisces
Saturn {Mar 24, 2024 !Apr 24! [Jun 29 – !Sep 8! – Nov 15] !Jan 18, 2025! Feb 18} 12, 16, 19 Pisces
Uranus {May 16, 2024 !Jun 20! [Sep 1 – !Nov 16! – Jan 30, 2025] !Apr 10! May 17, 2024} 23, 25, 27 Taurus
Jupiter {Jul 15, 2024 !Aug 11! [Oct 9 – !Dec 7! – Feb 4, 2025] !Apr 2! Apr 30} 11, 16, 21 Gemini
Mars {Oct 5, 2024 !Oct 27! [Dec 6 – !Jan 15, 2025! – Feb 24] !Apr 11! May 2, 2025} 17 Cancer, 27 Cancer, 6 Leo

Venus {Jan 28, 2025 !Feb 8! [Mar 2 – !Mar 22! – Apr 13] !May 5! May 16} 24 Pisces, 2 Aries, 10 Aries}

All times are given in Eastern USA time zone.
Linda Berry
*Planetary Pattern Pictures and Sabian Symbol Interpretations, ©Linda Berry,, 1* = 50-100 points, 2* = 100-150 points, etc.